EverQuest and EverQuest II released full 2025 roadmaps – and of course, new expansions are coming this fall


It’s roadmap week over in the land of EverQuest, as Daybreak’s Darkpaw Games has delivered roadmaps for both Original Flavor EverQuest and New Coke EverQuest II. (Hey, New Coke was actually good, and so is EverQuest II. This metaphor works.)

Let’s do the classic MMO first, with some kudos here because this is a full-year roadmap that goes all the way to December, although there aren’t tons and tons of details. The team is promising new content updates for nearly every seasonal event (starting with Erollisi Day by the end of the month), a long list of expected unlocks for the various progression servers, the 26th anniversary event in March, a new progression server launching in May, a “potential server merge” in July, expansion preorders and testing in October, and then the 32nd expansion in December.

As for EverQuest II, same deal – another roadmap from now to December. It’s teasing unlocks and betas for progression servers starting in January, raid tier unlocks for the ongoing Scars of Destruction expansion, testing and launch for GU128 in March and April, testing and launch for GU129 in August, the next expansion’s prelude and beta and preorder in September and October, and then the 22nd expansion’s launch in December.

Studio head Jenn Chan also noted that players and Darkpaw devs raised almost $140,000 in donations through Extra Life in 2024.

EverQuest took MOP’s Lifetime Achievement award for MMOs in 2024.

Source: EQ, EQ2
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