Artificial Core is continuing the work of balancing and adjustment to its early access MMOARPG Corepunk, as its latest patch has focused on tweaks to mana, classes, and the ever-changing Tier 3 artifacts.
First, T3 artifacts are being reverted back to their original state, with the major difference between T2 and T3 being the latter gets a third stat benefit added to them. “The previous scaling of all T3 stats above T2 levels was an unintended error, and we have corrected this oversight,” the studio admits. “This adjustment introduces the necessary balance for both PvE and PvP content, ensuring a fair and rewarding experience across all gameplay modes.”
Next is the change to mana, specifically making mana regeneration harder to deal with. The devs explain that this change is necessary in order to not trivialize mana as a stat and force players to think more strategically about using their biggest mana-burning skills.
Lastly in terms of tentpole tweaks are a series of “minor” balance changes to classes. There are no major specifics provided in the announcement post, but it is explained that these changes are part of wider efforts to fine-tune hero balance. The patch also makes adds recipes to the synthesis machine that lets players eat up multiple items to move it into a new rarity tier, including runes and chips.
On the subject of future update plans, Artificial Core stated its intention to create a “fully fleshed-out gameplay loop” for crafting professions and add new features over the next few weeks. “Soon, you’ll be able to dive into Corepunk with its full range of intended features and see for yourself what the game has to offer,” the announcement promises. “Each step we take is designed to enhance the gameplay experience and bring all systems together in a seamless and engaging way.”