Do you have opinions on Corepunk’s current and future direction but aren’t interested in sharing those in a Discord? Then you’re in luck because Artificial Core has put forth a survey that provides some focused questions to gather player feedback on a wide variety of matters related to the early access MMOARPG.
Many of the questions asked are pretty standard, including how many other listed MMOs players have tried and to what degree, the important aspects of an MMO, why they stop playing an MMO, and overall spending on MMO games.
The survey then drills down into specific thoughts about Corepunk, asking for opinions on fans’ overall rating of the game, how they feel about its story and combat, and ratings of its early access elements on a scale of one to five, with five being a high score. It also asks what update foci players feel should take priority and whether being on Steam or a standalone launcher is important.
Meanwhile, Artificial Core is warning of a ban wave coming in a week for players who are exploiting movement speed and fog of war bugs, both of which the studio classes as cheating. The punishment in question will be swift, affecting those who tried these exploits even once, while an update planned for sometime later will clear the bugs in question.