Conan Exiles pauses content delivery and focuses spring 2025 update on bugs and stability


We know that MMORPG genre players are currently tapping their feet in Funcom’s direction, urging on the development of Dune Awakening, but the studio is still maintaining Conan Exiles too, and it even delivered a producer’s letter this week recapping the conclusion of Age of War and the start of Age of Heroes in 2024. But it also discusses the future of the game, and how it sounds to you will depend on how frustrated you are with the current state of the game.

Funcom project director Rodney W. Harper ruefully explains that it didn’t intend for Conan Exiles to ever become a live service title, but it became “the biggest success in Funcom’s history” and the devs started cranking out DLCs in spite of those plans. Over time, however, the team says keeping up with the pace of release has become “increasingly difficult” owing to the tricky balance between adding new content and fixing longstanding issues, leading to players asking for the latter rather than the former even as the former created more need for the latter. You know where this is going: The devs are sidelining new content at least for now.

“Therefore, we’ve taken the decision to hold off on developing new content and features while we focus on improving the game from a technical and quality-of-life standpoint. At this point, we believe we need to put more focus into making the game better, not just bigger. Our goal for the next update is to start focusing on resolving bugs and increasing stability. We will release this update in spring 2025 and give you more insight into what to expect as we get closer to release. This update will be a key step in addressing the game’s core issues and laying a stable foundation for the future.”

Harper doesn’t expressly say that after the spring 2025 update, Funcom will go back to the content cadence it had before, but since Age of Heroes has only just begun, we’re assuming it’s not giving up now. Either way, players sound pretty hopeful and excited that the Funcom is shoring up the game’s technical base.

Source: Steam
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