Albion Online’s next GvG season promises to be shorter, more intense, and full of smuggling


Albion Online players already know that February 3rd is bringing the sandbox MMO’s next major update, which means that they likely already know that the next guild vs. guild season will also be on the horizon. What they might not now is the number of changes arriving in Season 26, including a shortened season length, updates to rewards, and plenty of smuggling. That last one might have been a known factor, though, since the smuggler’s faction was unveiled earlier.

Season 26 will now be reduced in length to 59 days, with major content updates arriving every four months instead of three to allow two full seasons every update cycle. The shortened length seeks to make GvG seasons faster paced and more intense, with three territory reset points during each season, the addition of double point scoring during mid-season invasion day, and the addition of new smuggler activities designed to give solo players and smaller guilds new opportunities to earn might and favor, along with a related guild challenge category for these activities.

Naturally this shorter season also means balance adjustments are on deck: Might requirements for guild challenges are being reduced, territories will generate 50% more points each day, season point earnings are being boosted for non-PvP activities while energy crystals will grant less points to account for the invasion day boost, and crystal arena ranks are being updated to allow for faster progression. More granular details are shared in this forum post.

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