Stop! Nobody move an inch or you’ll get cut! Go get your mom and tell her that we need the vacuum cleaner ASAP. Someone broke all the glass and left this mess for us to pick up.
Of course, it’s Greaterdivinity’s fault: “Alas, this weekend’s Path of Exile 2 update announcement and interview didn’t do it for my Warrior, and I don’t have it in me to level up another character at this point. My home brewed Earthshatter/Warcry build was fun, it worked fine enough but it’s death by a thousand cuts for me. But that’s the beauty of Early Access, it’s the worst the game will ever be and I can just put it on the shelf for a bit. At least until they release the Huntress. Earthshatter is rad looking, at least.”
Katriana continues to tread where angels and sane monsters fear to tread: “After clearing out a Disciples of Rage base in Dungeons and Dragons Online, our group saw this ceiling in the boss room. It animates. It was fine though. Mostly.
Oh, that’s just Kenny. He’s a good chap.
“Here’s a peek into one of my Black Desert team meetings in Seoul after we, once again, singlehandedly saved the whole village and thwarted the evil villain’s plan,” shared Rose. “That darned Black Spirit sure talks a lot of smack for such a little guy, but I guess ever since I put him back in his place when he got all arrogant years ago. To be honest he’s kinda grown on me as a friend. An evil, dangerous friend, but a loyal friend none the less. Even if he’s constantly telling me to kill everyone. At this point, I just kinda find it cute.”
Krieglich is making my gaming backlog expand by a count of one: “My adventures in gaming took me to Granblue Fantasy: Relink. To my surprise, it became one of my favorite games from 2024.”
And it’s not a week if IronSalamander8 isn’t making us crave brains for dessert: “Back to Garden Warfare 2 and my Party Brainz, with his special baked beans legendary reaction hat, takes in the view at the back fence area on the Aqua Park map.”
Now do your worst in our comments! And by “worst” I mean “politely and calmly post the best, prettiest, or most interesting screenshot that you took this past week.” Tips are not expected but are welcome. I’d love some tips on getting good in MMOs!