Tarisland is planning a big ol’ wacky Lunar New Year event starting this weekend


Lunar New Year is creeping up on us at the end of the month, which means MMOs are slipping out their events already. That includes Tarisland, which is celebrating the Year of the Snake starting Friday.

“Amidst the sound of firecrackers, we bid farewell to the past year,” Tencent says. “We drink wine in the warm spring breeze to welcome the new year. For many people, the best thing about New Year’s Eve as kids was playing with firecrackers and sparklers in the countryside with friends. You can now relive your childhood memories in the game!”

I mean, that’s as good as any other reason to play an MMO.

The event page is a bit of a mess – par for the course with Tarisland memos – but it does look as if the festivities begin January 24th, with decorations and firecrackers bedazzling Fort Grenny through February 6th. Tencent also says that it will spawn “New Year Snow Apes” (yeti, we think?) for players to fight with fireworks on the daily in exchange for currency, which they can use to buy what Tencent is calling appearances and outfits, including what looks like a roasted turkey and a tomato. This has to be another mistranslation, but if not, you absolutely need to wear the Auspicious Tomato outfit and send us pics.

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