WRUP: How to get a pear to run on your Nintendo Entertainment System or something edition

This might have.

I swear this looked like it was going to work. It was going to be a great gag. I got all of the stock parts I needed and I was going to, like, freeze this pear and then carve it open and like solder in this NES contact strip for the cartridge, right? It was really going to be clever and a fun sight gag. And then… just… so many things went wrong.

Like, yes. The solder was a bad idea. I am capable of admitting that I do not actually know how to solder things. I should have understood this about myself and my capabilities before I tried to do this, but I didn’t. I flew too close to the sun. I am able to admit this, I am a big enough person to admit it. But now even more things have gone wrong when they’re not supposed to. There are hyenas outside. Why are there hyenas outside? I live nowhere near a zoo or anything.

What makes this even more inexplicable is that somehow someone has stolen my vintage NES and replaced it with a European Sega Master System. This makes no sense. I live in America. This is more expensive. Nothing else was taken. I’m honestly afraid to plug it in. Anyway, sorry this What Are You Playing entry wasn’t better. I’m going to solder it into working.

Bonus question: What’s the worst movie you own a copy of? (Yes, you have to still own a copy of it.)

​Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Exercise games, but I particularly want to give Orna some attention. I’m only about 5.5 levels away from tier 10, which is like the entry point for end game from my understanding. But I also want to do more Splatoon 3 and a friend lured me into Pokemon Unite and that “welcome back” quest is hard to ignore. Oof, so many temptations, so little free time!

People may hate on the original Super Mario Bros movie, but the dad jokes hit real good and it’s kind of nice to use VHS again. Feels like going back in time. Y’all can pry it from my cold, dead hands!

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna.bsky.social, blog): I’m hoping to get into Guild Wars 2 this weekend; my husband has been doing Drizzlewood Coast all week and it looks fun as hell. I never finished Icebrood at all, so I’d never seen the map!

Gonna be honest, I sold most of my fun media stuff when I moved to Philly, so I don’t really have much left. It’s probably Rise of Skywalker or Crystal Skull, honestly, but that’s mostly just down to quality relative to what else I kept.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes.bsky.social, blog): I’m going to continue to work my way through the high rank hunts of Monster Hunter World this weekend primarily, but there’s also the possibility of some Final Fantasy XIV, City of Heroes: Homecoming, and perhaps even some Star Wars: The Old Republic. Assuming the monsters don’t all eat me up, anyway.

Bonus: Man I have not looked at my DVD collection in a long while (which makes me sad now that I think of it), but the one that leaps out to me is Wild Wild West. That was… uhm… it was definitely a film that was released, wasn’t it? Hoo boy.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): So I’m working on a review for a game that at once is new to me and feels like the return of an old friend just from first principles. I am excited. Aside from that, we’ve got FFXIV and Warframe on deck for the weekend.

As something of a lover of bad movies I wind up with a bunch of bad films in my collection, but usually they’re bad entertaining films, the schlocky or the weird or the obscure. Nevertheless, I do in fact own a copy of Glass, the sequel to Split, which was the stealth sequel to Unbreakable, and… this film should be schlocky fun but it just fails at every test for that, time and again. It is a staggeringly bad film and not in the entertaining way.

Sam Kash (@samkash@mastodon.social): So my efforts to begin driving head first into Throne and Liberty have been stalled but not specifically for any reason. I did get started in the New World PvP season but only like an afternoon. I think if this server doesn’t make the game click then it never will. I started playing Armored Core 6 in offline mode. There was a version for the PS2 I used to love and this brings back some memories.

Bonus: I’m wracking my mind to think of what I still own. Maybe Equilibrium, the first movie I can remember Christian Bale acting in. It was pretty slick if I recall, but also kind of cheesy.

Tyler Edwards (blog): I think I’m finally starting to run out of steam in The First Descendant (for real this time), but there’s still a few more things I want to do before I move on. Speaking of Steam, there’s also some demos I want to check out.

Bonus: I almost never buy movies, so the list of options to chose from is very short, and none of them are what I would really call bad. The least good would probably be one of those animated Hellboy movies. Nothing with Doug Jones and Ron Perlman can truly be bad, but I did watch them only about six months ago and already barely remember them, so that probably does tell you something.

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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