One Shots: Weird place for an AirBnB but OK


Listen. I know it had great reviews and a Super Host. I know that it offers wifi and a full granola bar. But there’s something in my gut that tells me that this AirBnB is not going to get a five-star review from me unless the brain worms make me say so. Can we go back to that Holiday Inn back in Ascalon?

Ocho says no. Ocho says that this is one of Guild Wars’ most amazing views and that you hardly notice the midnight primal screamfest. So we must check in.

Marvel Champions had led to full-blown Superhero mania in our house, which I can’t complain about since it means my other half and I did something we’ve both been meaning to do for literally two decades… check out City of Heroes,” said Rose. “We rolled, we poked around, and we’re gonna dive in this week for real. Pretty excited, in part because of how beloved it is around MOP.”

I swear, every time we look away, Greaterdivinity vanishes. Then it’s a whole search-and-rescue thing with a slim hope of finding anything other than a dessicated corpse.

Oh hey! Not a corpse yet! “I was struck by a sudden urge to play Elder Scrolls Online,” G.Div said. “Apparently I left of in a quest chain on the island of Artaeum. I won’t pretend I remember what happened, but I finished up the quest and now it’s on to new adventures that I haven’t forgotten the start of! Also, the island is very pretty.”

Warframe is many things, but “cozy and summery” this game is not. That’s why you have to look for the upside of any of these weird futuristic locales, even if it’s in a room that probably doubles as a torture chamber when the Moon Inquisitors have overflow.

“The engineers are having some fun even in this bleak place!” enthuses Minimalistway.

Finally, here’s a shot of classic Loch Modan from WoW Classic. I don’t care how convenient the Cataclysm changes were, I’ll never forgive the game for draining this once-beautiful lake and giving us a zone with a giant mud pit in the middle.

Andale people, let’s get to work! Sharpen those keen senses of vision! Flex those fingers of screenshotting! Blackmail a sibling into cropping and posting the picture for you! We must make the comment section sparkle with creative vision!

Every week, One Shots shines a spotlight on the best community screenshots from your MMO adventures. If you have a great pic to share, email it to with the subject “One Shots.” Make sure that the picture is over 880px wide and comes with a description or story!
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