I must admit right up front that this is not my guild. I have a guild of weirdos who live mostly on Discord now. But I was playing Guild Wars 2 a while back when this guild advertisement popped up, and while I usually ignore these, this one caught my eye because… it sounds kind of perfect? Down to the pancakes?
If I were a big guild-joiner like my colleague Justin, who joins guilds whenever he rolls new toons, then I would definitely fit in with the pancake people. The only thing they could offer here to sweeten the pot would be lottos and a tabard, not because GW2 has these things or I need these things but because it would tell me how old they are and how long they’ve been playing MMOs and absorbing dumb MMO culture and memes.
Now, obviously, the perfect MMO guild for me will not be the perfect MMO guild for you. But does the perfect MMO guild for you actually exist? What are you looking for in the perfect MMO guild?