Brighter Shores works on better combat and two side quests while making QoL improvements


Listen, we’re not going to sit here and make a case that Brighter Shores has the most engaging MMO combat. Honestly, it’s pretty far on the braindead side of the MMO spectrum, but the good news is that it might be getting better in the near future.

Brighter Shores’ lead Andrew Gower reported that an upgrade is in the works: “Progress update — half the team is working on improving combat, the other half is working on two new side quests. These are bigger updates which take a bit longer than a QoL improvement but they are looking good!”

Speaking of quality-of-life improvements, Brighter Shore has been pumping those into the game on a frequent basis. A January 22nd patch fixed it so that NPCs won’t stand on top of gathering nodes, while a January 23rd patch gave a helping hand to crafters.

Source: Twitter
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