You remember when every big MMORPG labeled itself or was labeled by fans as a World of Warcraft killer, right? We sure do. Disregarding the fact that none of them actually finished the deal (WoW is remarkably not pining for the fjords), it always struck me as a kind of silly claim because it’s rare-to-nonexistent that a game actually kills another one. Like, a game might have more of the things I like and fewer things I don’t like, but more often than not it still feels like a distinct enough flavor that it’s not a case of one being just all-around better.
But that might just be me. Maybe other people have frequently played new games and found that no, this new game provides everything you want, let’s immediately spike the old game into the dumpster. And even beyond that, I think there are legitimate times when you can get enough of what you want from one game that the things you can’t get from it become functionally irrelevant.
So when has an MMORPG supplanted another for you? When have you found yourself sufficiently charmed by the new game that you just don’t want to bother with the old one any more?