Have you ever wanted to play the part of a dashing ne’er-do-well in Albion Online at a level that goes beyond ganking someone running a dungeon or gathering materials? Then today is your lucky day because the smuggler’s life is now available in the PvX sandbox with today’s release of the Rogue Frontier update.
As one might anticipate from the update’s title, most of the new additions revolve around the Outlands PvP zone, where a new smuggler’s network has opened with a new related market, dens, and activities such as recovering contraband, rescuing captured smugglers, and finding coins to buy your way up the ranks. Speaking of rewards, climbing up the smuggler’s reputation ladder will unlock goodies like a vanity set, a cape, and a new ring and avatar.
In addition to all the smuggleiciousness (that’s now a word, you’re welcome), Rogue Frontier introduces new crystal weapons, kill trophies that can randomly drop when another player is taken down, and a host of quality-of-life updates such as a bank overview UI, dynamic resource hotspots, and a new creature tab in the journal, among other things. Basically, there are now a lot of ways to get your rogue on if that’s your jam.