Chronicles of Elyria’s dev blogs disappear, and there’s no timeline for when they’ll return

Not anymore, anyway

This won't get tedious as hell after four minutes.

This past December we reported on the continued drawing inward of communication and updates from the kickstarted MMORPG Chronicles of Elyria, as Soulbound Studio’s Jeromy Walsh promised pre-alpha development was coming along while also locking progress behind NDAs, which we’ve noted multiple times flies in the face of the transparency mandated by the Kickstarter campaign. It would appear that the muffling continues as the game’s dev blogs are now completely missing on account of “ongoing site development.”

Readers might remember that Walsh promised updates to the game’s website a few times over the course of supposed work on COE, so seeing a message about the site still being updated might not raise many eyebrows, but what’s important to note is that timelines for the return of dev blogs (or other parts of the site) have already missed four different estimates.

The site now gives no timeframe at all for when features will be back online, stating only that followers will be notified on Discord – and the last update on that progress was shared on December 12th while all other chat channels have been apparently locked to further discussion. Luckily, followers of the project have archived previous dev blogs so that the original official record isn’t completely lost, so the pressure doesn’t appear to be relenting.

sources: official site, Reddit (1, 2, 3, 4), thanks to Felix for the tip!
Chronicles of Elyria, which was Kickstarted all the way back in 2016, stunned MMO gamers in 2020 by announcing it was out of money, had laid off the devs, had closed Soulbound Studio, and had ended development on the game. Though CEO Jeromy Walsh later retracted much of that and said the game was still in production with volunteer staff, the gamers who’d backed it for $14M+ in crowdfunds pressed on with a lawsuit that was dismissed in 2022. Since 2021, the remaining team has focused on multiple spinoffs and tucked away most of the core MMO’s progress behind backer paywalls and NDAs.

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