Corepunk releases its buildcraft updates, moves additional features to later this week


Last week, Corepunk talked up a patch that would make some character progression adjustments that focused primarily on Tier 3 artifacts granting additional points to passive talents, effectively giving players the ability to upgrade favored passives in their talent trees. After a bit of a delay, that patch went out over the weekend, albeit with a few pieces missing.

A variety of quality-of-life functions that were originally planned for the update are being held back to later this week such as tooltip updates for passives, new item grade recipes, bank inventory improvements, and a synthesis machine that unlocks the ability for players to trade certain items. There will also be a delay in getting a pair of consumables aimed at crafting forged versions of T3 artifacts to both fine-tune their effects and to see how players make and overclock the new T3 items.

Otherwise the major pieces are all there: The new T3’s that grant passive bonuses, upgraded T1 and T2 item upgrade kits, and improvements to NPC vendors and other synthesis machines are available for players to try out in the early access MMOARPG. Ideally this brings a new layer to character building, but only time will tell.

Today’s follow-up patch makes additional tweaks, including some to synthesis machines.

source: Discord (1, 2, 3)
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