Here’s (almost) everything you need to know about transferring to Lord of the Rings Online’s upcoming 64-bit servers


Are you hungry for 64 bits of mega power? Then you’re probably itching to hop in to the upcoming 64-bit servers in Lord of the Rings Online but have been patiently waiting for more official information on how transfers will work instead of fanmade details. At last, Standing Stone Games has shared those details.

The information covered is extremely far-reaching indeed. Here’s a general summary:

  • Transfers will work in stages: First, subscribers will be able to create a total of three characters on 64-bit worlds for name-claiming purposes but not be able to play, then all players will get to transfer characters from 32-bit to 64-bit worlds, then the worlds will be open to play and keep free transfers available until August 31st. SSG is also working on keeping free transfers open for 32-bit worlds that are closing; more details will come later.
  • Transferring is done through the game launcher when the time to do so begins.
  • Free transfers will be open on a weekly rotating basis.
  • In the event of a character’s name being taken, players can use a slash command one time to come up with a new name.
  • Kinship leaders should keep their kins formed but should abandon or sell their kin houses before transferring. Additionally, kin leaders need to be the first character to log in before kinship members; otherwise, members will find themselves removed from their guild.
  • Those with houses will receive a mail with the currency cost of their house and see their items moved to escrow housing storage. So yes, players will have to rebuy their houses at the other end.

The post also has an FAQ that outlines matters such as inter-region transfers (which are not possible), confirmation of character transfers from Treebeard to a 64-bit server, the ability to transfer multiple characters, the list of closing game worlds, and more.

Unfortunately, the one major question you’re likely to have is “when is this happening,” but the FAQ still doesn’t give a clear date.

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