Digital Extremes’ recent Warframe info deluge wasn’t all it had up its sleeve, as the devs behind Soulframe also came together for a devstream to discuss what’s been added in the current pre-alpha build and things to look forward to going into the new year and the new test version.
The stream mostly focused on 2025’s update plans, which include a new Neath’uns environment that looks to be an overgrown area of corrupted plant life, the introduction of more enemy variety in the form of mounted combatants and new corrupted foes, new NPCs for players to interact with and learn new pact skill lines from, and some new weapons that include a new sword and the voltaic casters.
The next build, Preludes 9, plans to add a new starting experience that sees players pick a faction that will link into a new procedural mini-quest system, additions to character buildcraft and motes, improvements to combat, more forms of loot beyond just crafting materials, and the aforementioned voltaic casters weapon. There’s no timeline on when this build will release yet.
The stream also took a look at the latest quest line added in the pre-alpha, The Shewolf Snared, which involves freeing a wolf companion Orengall and her pups that leads to a new pact that lets players sneak around, summon attack wolves, and turn dog enemies against their masters. The devs also discussed some of the feedback points and updates still being made to Preludes 8 like improving throwing controls, better UI visibility for things like buffs, and making sure there’s enough guidance while still encouraging players to explore and find activities.
Last but not least, the devs shared several pieces of concept art, scaling bug pics, and screenshots from the stream on Discord; we’ve got a few of the choice ones waiting in the gallery below.