Last December, CIG head Chris Roberts stated an intention for alpha builds of Star Citizen would focus on “decoupling feature development from content creation and general fixes” in order to ultimately ensure they were more stable. As of alpha 4.0.1, however, that has not been the case – to the point that the studio has fully cancelled a planned free-fly event.
“[W]e’ve made the decision to forgo the Red Festival Free Fly,” reads a forum post from the devs. “This reinforces what we said in December: Star Citizen needs to work, and it needs to work well. Right now, our focus is on continued hotfixes and subsequent patches to bring the experience to a much better place.”
As for major problems being addressed, those include things like elevators and trams literally trapping people, players getting stuck in specific shards and consequently causing logout/login to not function properly, personal hangar weirdness like lifts damaging ships and instances overlapping physically and audibly, increased load times, and a host of bugs related to missions, the starmap, and item persistence.
Once again, a timeline for when these issues and other fixes will arrive hasn’t been provided, but CIG notes that “no single patch will get [the studio] to where [it wants things] to be,” and the upcoming Star Citizen Live stream will bring on CTO Benoit Beausejour to talk about what’s being done. Otherwise, it might be a good idea to just not touch this rickety build for a little while.