I’ve mentioned before in our comments that I have small hands even for a woman, which has made finding a great MMO mouse impossible (I’ve been hunting since the ’90s; the perfect mouse for me hasn’t been made yet – someday I’ma get someone to just build me something custom!). But the hand situation has also led me to a few other quirks, including the fact that I prefer WQSE to WASD controls. I’ve watched my husband use WASD for decades now, and I get how it works well for dudes with big hands who have fingers that will curl just so, but my hands don’t work that way, so my alt setup works better for me.
And I’m sure I’m not alone in having a weird quirk like this, right? Tell me about the weird control quirks you have, especially for MMOs. When you log into a new game, what do you always fix first in the settings to make it feel right?