VR MMORPG OrbusVR announces a sunset date of April 6 after eight years


The VR MMORPG space is not exactly one of robust health, but for a while it seemed as if one very plucky little game for the platform that was chugging along for eight years was OrbusVR – right until we wondered what happened in 2023 and found a game that appeared abandoned and a playerbase that was upset as a result. Unfortunately it would appear that abandonment is now final, as developer Ad Alternum has announced the MMO will sunset on Sunday, April 6th.

The announcement from producer Robert Dutton confirms that it was simply not financially viable to keep the MMO online to the point that developers were going without salaries “for over a year” and the game was operating at a loss on most months. “We always strived to keep the servers online as long as possible and considered our options moving forward,” Dutton writes. “[T]he game is not sustainable anymore.”

Sales of Orbus will officially stop on February 10th, while a variety of farewell events are planned in the lead-up to the sunset date including increased legendary item drop rates, an unlocking of game DLCs to all players, and the final Mage Tournament event. Specific dates for these farewell events are promised soon.

Despite the reported offers from players to support Orbus financially in order to keep its lights on, Dutton urges VR gamers to grant that support to other VR MMORPGs instead. “Speaking as one of those developers from eight years ago, you would not believe the amount of joy it brings to know that other people believed in our ideas, and wanted to see what we could create,” he writes. “So again, thank you to all those who have reached out, it makes me so proud to be a part of this community.”

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