February is shaping up to be a very busy month for Lord of the Rings Online, starting with the coming of Update 43 and its 12-player raid. The Temple of Utug-bûr went into its second round of testing this week, with one dev saying, “Quite a few changes and adjustments were made to the Utug-bur raid instances in this Bullroarer update, with more to come in subsequent updates.”
Standing Stone Games continues to clarify various questions about the upcoming transfers to the 64-bit servers, starting with confirmation that the extra five character slots that the studio is doling out to all VIP and premium players will be added onto the default number, with purchased slots added on top of that. Also, the studio said that absolutely no character creation will be allowed on the second day of the transfer process — only character transfers themselves.
Finally, a developer said that the team is indifferent to over-leveled players plowing through lower-level instanced content: “While high-leveled players may be able to solo lower-level content designed for groups, this is not a gameplay loop we actively spend development time supporting.”