On this week’s episode of the Massively OP Podcast, Bree and Justin remember the life of Project Gorgon’s Sandra Powers, comb over EVE Online’s 2025 roadmap, test drive WoW’s customizable cars, goggle at No Man’s Sky’s latest update, and big feature holes in our MMOs.
It’s the Massively OP Podcast, an action-packed hour of news, tales, opinions, and gamer emails! And remember, if you’d like to send in your question to the show, use this link.
Listen to the show right now:
Show notes:
- Intro
- Adventures in MMOs:Â LOTRO, The Sims 4, Project Gorgon, WoW Classic
- News: Asheron’s Call and Project Gorgon developer Sandra Powers passes away
- News: EVE Online’s 2025 roadmap
- News: World of Warcraft’s customizable cars
- News: No Man’s Sky puts out another amazing update
- Mailbag: What class and race would you remove from an MMO and what would you replace them with?
- Mailbag: What big feature is missing in MMOs?
- Outro
Other info:
- Download Episode 504
- Podcast theme: “Running the Gauntlet” from Project Gorgon
- Your show hosts: Justin and Bree
- Listen to Massively OP Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Player FM, TuneIn, iHeartRadio, Pocket Casts, Amazon, and Spotify
- Follow Massively Overpowered: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Twitch
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