MJ Guthrie

MJ Guthrie

Community Manager

When not immersed in her favorite virtual worlds, MJ can be found hanging out with her family, reading, coaching/playing sports, writing fiction, singing, and dabbling in graphic design (in random order, depending on mood and season). Her favorite part of MMOs? Observing the dynamics of virtual communities. That psychology degree has to come in handy somewhere, doesn't it?

MJ's Massively Overpowered adventures can be found many places: She investigates Secret World Legends/The Secret World's conspiracies in Chaos Theory, chronicles the EverQuest franchise in EverQuesting, practices survival in many sandboxes with The Survivalist, and livestreams for the Stream Team.

Personal blog: Looking for Shinies
Twitter: @MJ_Guthrie

The Stream Team: Count down to Path of Exile’s Synthesis League

Massively OP's MJ is a long way away from finishing Path of Exile's Betrayal League, but that doesn't stop her from being excited about...

The Stream Team: Journey to the center of Astroneer

Massively OP's MJ is an explorer at heart, so there was no way she wasn't going to dig down to see what awaits her...

The Stream Team: An Astroneer body recovery run

For her first time ever, Massively OP's MJ died so far away from her Astroneer base that she wasn't able to easily retrieve her...

The Stream Team: Seeing red (drops) in ARK

Massively OP's MJ is seeing red! At least she hopes to: She's seeking out those powerful red drops in ARK: Extinction. Although it's sure...

The Stream Team: Following staff advice in Conan Exiles

Well now she did it. Massively OP's MJ has awakened the staff and now it won't shut up. So, what's she to do? She'll...

The Stream Team: Boundless is having a freebie weekend, so we’re streaming it!

Free weekends are a perfect time to check out a game you might be interested in but are unsure if it really fits. This...

The Stream Team: Desert days will never end in Secret World Legends

At this point, Massively OP's MJ doesn't think she will ever escape Secret World Legends' Egypt. She'll be spitting sand until the bees come...

Mobile MMO AxE: Alliance vs Empire launches today

There's a new trend in reveal-to-launch-time ratio, and we can't say that's a bad thing: Having less wait between learning of a game and...

The Stream Team: Another day, another Apex Legends match

"Just one more match!" That was Massively OP's MJ was chanting last week when she tried Apex Legends for the first time. She may...

The Stream Team: Read-hot AdventureQuest 3D vengeance

Although nothing may ever be able to top Valentine's DuckyDucky-palooza, Massively OP's MJ is still eager to jump into AQ3D. Because she has some...

Seek memories in Path of Exile’s newly announced Synthesis league beginning March 8

Betrayal. Incursion. Prophecy. Breach. Talisman. Nemesis. Ambush. Instead of words of the day, Path of Exile has words of the league. And with so...

The Stream Team: A new, improved Outpost Zero base – with vehicle!

The last time Massively OP's MJ checked on her Outpost Zero base after a break, things were pretty hunky-dory. Not so this time. The...

The Stream Team: So much Warframe story still to go

There is certainly no shortage of things for Massively OP's MJ to do in Warframe. In fact, she has many missions to go before...

The Survivalist: Astroneer adds whimsy to the enjoyable terrors of space survival

Ever feel like you can't keep up with all the survival sandboxes coming out? With so many, it can be hard to keep them...

The Stream Team: The Love ARK

Love, exciting and new Come to ARK, Dinos are expecting too! And love, with babies galore Raise them up, and then breed some more The Love ARK, soon...

The Stream Team: Surging toward a Syndicate safehouse in Path of Exile

OK, maybe surge isn't quite the right word when describing the journey toward an Immortal Syndicate safehouse in Path of Exile. Plod probably works...

The Stream Team: More adventuring in Astroneer

During her first look, Massively OP's MJ just barely scratched the surface of Astroneer. And there is so much more planetary destruction she can...

The Stream Team: Looking for love in all the wrong places in Secret World Legends

Just because it is Valentine's Day, you might be thinking that Massively OP's MJ will visit the Love Hotel in Secret World Legends. That...

Deep-diving AdventureQuest 3D’s Artix Entertainment

Are you familiar with Artix Entertainment? You may not be. That's because this studio flies so far under the radar of drama that face-palming...

The Stream Team: A first look at Apex Legends

Massively OP's MJ may not be stellar at battle royale games, but that doesn't mean she won't dive in and play! A new team-based...