Chris Neal
Choose My Adventure: Fear and loathing in Legends of Aria
As promised, this round of play in Legends of Aria featured greater focus on my combined magic and steel, though I definitely was leaning...
The Stream Team: Stop! Hammer time in Dauntless
Put on your baggiest pants and make other references to early '90s musical trends: There's a new patch in Dauntless, and MassivelyOP's resident monster...
Camelot Unchained moves Characters 2.0 to its master build and works on lighting people on fire
Camelot Unchained has apparently gotten better at setting you on fire. That is to say, City State Entertainment worked out a particle system that...
Paradox Interactive continues to drop hints of a possible Vampire: the Masquerade game
My first instinct upon seeing indications that publisher/developer Paradox Interactive is working on a game based on Vampire: the Masquerade was extreme intrigue. My...
APB Reloaded teases the incoming Riot content update
The city of San Paro is headed for a riot if hints coming out of APB Reloaded are any indication. The APB Riot content...
Survived By tweaks the Druid and doubles rewards for full parties
Life in the world of Survived By is pretty rough as I found out first hand, so anything that improves the quality of life...
Latest Closers update adds J to the Task Force Veteranus
If you're a player of the character J in Closers, then you're about to get a little boost. The most recent update to the...
War Thunder turns on radar systems in the Locked On update
In my extremely dumb headcanon, I imagine the operators of the various vehicles in War Thunder have all simultaneously found the "on" button for...
The Stream Team: Taking a closer look at Exocraft
We've punched up a couple of posts here about the game Exocraft, which has very recently made its arrival to Steam. Now it's time...
Path of Exile finally ties down a PS4 release date of March 26
It feels like something that's been a long time coming -- even a delayed thing -- but there finally is an actual calendar date...
Astellia shows off its character creation options
The art of character creation in any MMORPG is often a game in and of itself, depending on how many options one is granted....
Choose My Adventure: New tools, same flailing in Legends of Aria
So, full disclosure here: This edition of Choose My Adventure is going to come from a perspective of limited play time. My "real" job...
Path of Exile details a patch for Synthesis and opens ticket sales to ExileCon
While the Synthesis update for Path of Exile certainly appears to be going over a treat, there's still some improvements to be made. The...
Blade & Soul joins the battle royale bandwagon with the Shackled Isles limited time event
So, how about that battle royale flu, eh? Seems to be going around. Now Blade & Soul has caught the bug with the introduction...
Heroes of the Storm discusses ranked mode and hero changes in an AMA
Considering the rollback in operations for the MOBA Heroes of the Storm, fans were very likely eager to hear from the game's devs. The...
MapleStory 2 details the upcoming Meso Market currency exchange
With the first wave of the Project New Leaf update reportedly making positive waves in MapleStory 2, the devs are continuing to press the...
Legal proceedings between Crytek and Star Citizen’s Cloud Imperium move to alternative dispute resolution
Just when we all thought the matter had seen a major roadblock in the proceedings, a new chapter in the game engine lawsuit between...
The Stream Team: Another attempted look inside Torchlight Frontiers’ alpha
If you missed the stream for the Torchlight Frontiers alpha from MJ's perspective, there were a few technical hitches that caused her some problems....
Prosperous Universe prepares to release its new game world this Friday
It's the end of the world as Prosperous Universe players know it, but they should feel fine, as out of the Big Bang of...
Ryzom goes behind the scenes to talk guild islands and a new boss monster
Anyone reading this recall Ryzom? It's a French-made sandbox MMO that is under the stewardship of Winch Gate, which made the title open source...