Chris Neal
The Stream Team: Another attempted look inside Torchlight Frontiers’ alpha
If you missed the stream for the Torchlight Frontiers alpha from MJ's perspective, there were a few technical hitches that caused her some problems....
Prosperous Universe prepares to release its new game world this Friday
It's the end of the world as Prosperous Universe players know it, but they should feel fine, as out of the Big Bang of...
Ryzom goes behind the scenes to talk guild islands and a new boss monster
Anyone reading this recall Ryzom? It's a French-made sandbox MMO that is under the stewardship of Winch Gate, which made the title open source...
Z1 Battle Royale declares the return of the king with a massive new update
Season 3 of Daybreak's PC H1Z1 (or Z1 Battle Royale now, or Z1BR for you hip kids) is coming back in a big way....
The Division 2 releases one more trailer ahead of launch
We've had an open beta, so reason would stand that we're now nearing a full launch for The Division 2, but is a game...
Choose My Adventure: Running for my life in Legends of Aria
Welp, we're in the deep end now. Legends of Aria definitely is the sandbox that's giving me the hard knock schooling on sandbox MMORPG...
Warframe shows off horrifying Amalgams and an upgraded Plains of Eidolon
The devs of Warframe do not want you to sleep tonight or ever. That's the only explanation for the Amalgam enemy type they've created,...
Camelot Unchained is tackling the performance ‘death spiral’ traditionally afflicting MMO PvP
This past week was reportedly another busy one for the devs of Camelot Unchained, with lots of work being done to further tweak a...
Guild Wars 2 previews the new WvW Warclaw mount now launching tomorrow
There's just something so very MMO about riding a giant horned cat in to battle, and that's just what Guild Wars 2 players will...
Dungeon Fighter Online posts its first major update of 2019
Color me surprised that this one suddenly blipped on the radar. Dungeon Fighter Online has kicked out a pretty sizeable update: the first act...
Yes, Virginia, a Stardew Valley esports scene exists
I am probably one of the few members of the MOP staff who actually enjoys esports, but even I had to do a kitty...
World of Warships brings British boats to bear
The British Navy just got an expansion in World of Warships today with the introduction of several aircraft carriers, adding to the vehicular combat...
Breach hands out free keys to existing players to give to friends
Depending on who you talk to, the folks behind Breach are either feeling extremely generous, are nearing a full free-to-play launch, or are trying...
Choose My Adventure: So long The Elder Scrolls Online, hello Legends of Aria
It's been a refrain in this edition of Choose My Adventure, but I still have to say it again: I have had a blast...
Bold New World update brings new biomes and graphical enhancements to The Imperial Realm
Open world MMORTS The Imperial Realm has gotten a fresh splash of pretty paint with its Bold New World update. The recent patch has...
Warframe explains the end of Alerts and changes to melee
Times are a'changing in Warframe in some pretty significant ways once again. New dev updates on the game forums have provided some more insight...
Introducing Haven, a co-op RPG starring a pair of lovers
I can speak from some level of experience that gaming with your significant other is a good time, so the reveal of Haven is...
Patch 0.1 brings a new map and new class to Breach
In what's being described as the online shooter's first major monthly patch of its early access, Breach's latest update is introducing a variety of...
Albion Online focuses on balance with the latest Nimue Patch
Albion Online's newest patch is all about finding the butter zone for maximum PvP satisfaction, which is probably one of the hardest types of...
FFXIV recaps Fan Fest Paris and FFXI announces a Doll Festival
What do a fan expo for an MMORPG and an in-game event featuring dolls have in common? They're both Final Fantasy-related events! Obviously. How...