Eliot Lefebvre

Eliot Lefebvre

Senior Reporter

Eliot Lefebvre has been writing on Massively Overpowered since it was created after a long and illustrious career of writing about video games for half a decade on some other site that you might have heard about. He currently pens Wisdom of Nym for Final Fantasy XIV, WoW Factor for World of Warcraft, and the industry and culture speculation of Vague Patch Notes. He also shares writing duties on Perfect Ten and writes some nonsense for What Are You Playing. No photos of him standing next to seventeen lizards in a trench coat have surfaced, coincidentally.

Twitter: @eliot_lefebvre
Streaming: Snippy Harold

Albion Online previews kill trophies, journal features, and new crystal weapons ahead of the Rogue Frontier update

Because of the way weapons work in Albion Online, new Crystal Weapons are a big deal, and they're coming with the game's Rogue Frontier...
Don't worry, I'm not mocking you.

Vague Patch Notes: Bad MMOs happen – but not because nobody cares

When I first started working at Massively-that-was, I got a bit of a wake-up call pretty early on when I made a joke about...
Baby you can drive my car.

World of Warcraft shows off the new customizable cars coming with the Undermine(d) update

No matter how hard you might try in World of Warcraft, you cannot replace your horse's hooves. There are no tools to lower the...

The Daily Grind: How invested are you in MMORPG crafting (as opposed to just non-combat content)?

I'm going to let you in on a little secret: A lot of the people you see in an MMORPG who are into crafting...

Embers Adrift’s latest patch offers a crafting revamp and new chat macros

Are you playing Embers Adrift to craft equipment and then chew on said equipment? Well, the bad news is that the crafting overhaul in...
Wow, positive.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs that came back from the dead

The fact that I loved Charlotte's Web as a child probably had some influence on my developing brain, but it does mean that I...
hark, a bear

New World kicks off a series of double XP weeks starting today

Following the recovery of New World from the issues affecting the PvP season servers last week, players will be hungry for the double XP...

There’s a Final Fantasy XI zine on Kickstarter right now for your Vana’diel nostalgia tour

So how did people put together enthusiastic fan projects before we all had the internet? Why, you made a zine, of course. Assembled loosely...

Final Fantasy XIV prepares another Valentione’s Day celebration alongside a new fashion collab

Once again, it is time for love in the air in Final Fantasy XIV, or it will be when the Valentione's Day event rolls...
With strong eye contact.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s pointless sidequests and FATEs

Way back in the time of Stormblood, we were told that Final Fantasy XIV was getting rid of combat-based levequests because they were basically...
who the heck is that guy

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite nickname for an MMO NPC?

NPCs you have to deal with long enough in any game are going to facilitate memes. This is inevitable. But some NPCs wind up...
This might have.

WRUP: How to get a pear to run on your Nintendo Entertainment System or something edition

Join us for our weekly open thread! We're discussing what MMOs we're playing this weekend and answering a bonus question about the worst movie we still own a copy of.
Darn it, Quin.

Betawatch: The Quinfall’s (the) early access, (the) Palia’s (the) New Beginnings

Remember, readers, it's only The Quinfall if it's a Turkish indie MMORPG that has just released into early access. Otherwise it's just more correctly...
Why are you this way.

Past Fate talks up its latest development update with added jiggle physics

If you have been keeping an eye on the seemingly grim-and-grimy world of Kickstarted MMO Past Fate but held off jumping into the game...

Vague Patch Notes: The war of the MMO builds

Talking about your build in an MMORPG can be oddly contentious with people. On the one hand, you are inevitably going to have people...
Here we are, in the classic.

Final Fantasy XIV is considering taking legal action against a stalker-empowering game mod

If you're a part of the Final Fantasy XIV community beyond a certain level of engagement, you are no doubt aware of the game's...

Corepunk shares its plans for a new PvPvE dungeon experience, literally called Prison Island

Have you ever felt as if your real opponents in a dungeon were the other players, potentially rolling for the drops you wanted when...
Sure. Great.

Marvel Rivals has sprung its Spring Festival – yes, in January, what

Most human sports were created more or less in the space when humanity decided that we needed a way of having fun contests where...
It's time for THROAT PUNCH, BABY

Star Wars The Old Republic fixes a plethora of issues in its newest patch

The latest patch for Star Wars: The Old Republic does not deliver a big chunk of content to players or a whole bunch of...
You were never enough.

Warframe of Mind: The day Warframe’s story broke me

I am not someone who is an easy mark for breaking down as a sobbing mess with a sad moment in a story, which is why it surprised me when Warframe made me sob with its storytelling. If you've ever thought it's a narrative-light game that's just space ninjas shooting weird dudes, this is a refutation of that.