Justin Olivetti

Justin Olivetti

Senior Reporter

A casual gamer and long-time MMO fan, Justin is often heard yelling, "Player housing for all!" in the Massively Overpowered offices. In addition to news, he tackles LOTRO Legendarium for LOTRO, The Perfect Ten, Jukebox Heroes, the retrospective Game Archaeologist series, One Shots, and the Massively OP podcast.

Personal blog: BioBreak
Twitter: @sypster

Citadel: Forged With Fire to wipe servers in the name of progress, retains 10 legacy worlds

You know how it goes: Sometimes you are forged with fire, and sometimes you are forged with server wipes. Both are equally painful, but...

Jukebox Heroes: Six musical themes for upcoming MMORPGs

Usually in Jukebox Heroes I'm looking back at current and sunsetted MMORPGs, but this week I thought I'd change things up a bit by...

One Shots: The crane… the crane…

I love crane machines. Yes, I know they're a total scam, but I won something in one once, and I can't help but throwing...

Defiance 2050 gives you a quick overview of its four base classes

Assuming that you're both a freeloader and will be poking your head into Defiance 2050 this summer, you'll have exactly four options for classes...

Worlds Adrift starts work on countering PvP griefing, but tells players to get better

Who would have ever thought that the tranquil-looking Worlds Adrift would become a raucous griefer's paradise? Apparently not the developers, who were, we guess,...

The Game Archaeologist: The rebirth of The Realm Online

Debuting in 1996, The Realm Online (or, as it is sometimes shortened, The Realm) became one of the first online RPGs to overlay graphics...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO story you like to tell?

MMORPGs are story machines. I don't just mean that they're games in which the writers tell you a bunch of tales, although that is...

Battle Bards Episode 121: Myst Online

The world’s first, best, and only MMORPG music podcast is back to venture into a rather obscure title, Myst Online! The Battle Bards delve into...

PUBG’s Sanhok map enters the final testing stretch

As PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds runs its new and highly anticipated Sanhok map through a fourth round of testing, players can at least be consoled with...

Chronicles of Elyria won’t let players be Batman villains

Feeling a little behind on Chronicles of Elyria's progress? Scoot your little butt over to the May wrap-up community journal, in which Soulbound Studios...

Amazon posts and retracts a July 2018 release date for Fallout 76

This past week's announcement of Fallout 76 -- Bethesda's newest entry in the post-apocalyptic series -- has just about everyone in the gaming community...

Crowfall’s going to keep you hooked with its zippy plant picking

Have you ever given much thought to harvesting in MMOs? Probably not much, if we're all honest. Yet gathering plants can fill an important...

Destiny 2 hints at fall expansion, wastes players’ time with glitched strike drops

The future of Destiny 2 will be revealed next week, as Bungie takes the stage on June 5th at noon EST to talk about...

ZeniMax apologizes for Elder Scrolls Online spyware, says it was ‘erroneously added’ and will be removed

Hey who here loves - nay, adores - officially sanctioned spyware? Lots of hands staying in laps, we see. You all sure? You aren't...

APB Reloaded counters cheats, unifies versions, and rallies its community

Ever wonder if the developers behind APB Reloaded are looking at the current boom of battle royale-style games and kicking themselves for not having...

Nexon takes control of HIT developer Nat Games

The Nexon beast continues to grow, insatiable in its hunger to devour profitable studios and gaming properties. The relationship between publisher Nexon and developer...

Dwell is the lovechild of crafting sandboxes and a SNES art style

At first glance, Dwell looks like it might have been taken right out of the 16-bit era. With its pixel art, tiny little people,...

Perfect Ten: MMO features that help players express individuality

When you play a single-player game, you automatically feel quite special and unique. You are, after all, the very centerpiece that the entire game...

Conan Exiles brings PlayStation 4 up to parity, is still working to address critical issues

Remember back when Conan Exile's release made it the newest and hottest kid on the block? We were all so much younger, back in...
How near, how far.

The Daily Grind: What kind of superhero do you want to make in an MMO?

While City of Heroes is long gone, you can't keep a good cape down. With a couple of superhero MMORPGs out on the market...