
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG boasts the best space gameplay?

Over the past week or so, I've been tinkering with Star Wars Galaxies Legends, an NGE emulator for SWG that's actually pretty polished and...
Well, son, what we got here is a situation.

Warframe shows off new environments and the Revenant warframe on a stream

You can rewatch the entirety of the latest Warframe developer livestream if you want to, but the nice thing is that the developers understand...

Absolver shows off its upcoming free expansion, Downfall

It's been quiet on the Absolver ranch for a while after the development team spent the early part of the year working on refining...
Ship of foolishness.

World of Warcraft kicks off Warbringers with a Jaina short

Jaina Proudmoore has been through a lot in the timeline of World of Warcraft alone, but her appearance in the first Warbringers short is...
Oh, great.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV gets to hunt some monsters

It hardly needs to be said at this point that the new way of doing things with Final Fantasy XIV's live letters has proven...

Fortnite shuts down internet mob levying cheating accusations against $130K tourney winner

So yeah, maybe it's not the best idea in the world to accuse somebody who beats you (or your favorite streamer) in a video...

ArcheAge, Trove producers address Trion layoffs, tell players not to worry

Last week's Trion Worlds layoffs appeared to have hit ArcheAge particularly hard, with the loss of a well-known producer to the eliminated positions, on...

The Daily Grind: Do you still have ‘passion’ for MMORPGs?

Over the weekend I saw an interesting Twitter discussion about how much game-playing game-designers actually need to do, and whether those passions are even...

One Shots: Party animals

Apologies for the disruption in the normal One Shots schedule over the past couple of weeks, but we're back and freakishly abnormal! Everyone behave...
What's that box

WRUP: Introducing the Not-even-good-at-one-formers edition

Introducing the hottest toy line to debut near SDCC (not at, we don't have money for a booth there), it's the Not-even-good-at-one-formers! They're less,...

The Daily Grind: Which expansion helped out an MMO the most?

We have talked a lot about great and terrible MMO expansions in the past, but most often, we approach such conversations from our personal...
Yes, this is ready.

Betawatch: Legends of Aria wants you to break it (July 20, 2018)

Please, break the servers for Legends of Aria. The developers want you to break the servers. There's a big event this weekend and everyone...
It's a playground.

Fortnite’s Playground mode struggled due to matchmaking server stress

Some limited-time modes in Fortnite are successful and some aren't, but the Playground mode was notable in that its issues had nothing to do...

Rend discusses sweeping content changes, wipes alpha servers ahead of new testing surge today

Keep an eye on your inboxes today if you're hoping to get into Rend's alpha test: Frostkeep announced this week that it's added two...
What is the world.

Otherland plans a new character type to experience an upcoming short story by Tad Williams

Tad Williams, the author of the original Otherland quadrology, has written a new novella in that world. What does this mean for players of...

WoW Factor: World of Warcraft’s Battle for Azeroth feels like Cataclysm all over again

It took me a long time to identify what felt off about World of Warcraft's upcoming expansion. Something was definitely bothering me, but the...

Crowfall improves performance by changing terrain

It's far too early in Crowfall's testing to worry about optimizing the game's frame rate and overall performance, but there's a difference between "optimizing"...

Star Citizen is working on the AI patrols to make griefing much harder, reveals medical concept ship sale

On this week's episode of Star Citizen's Around the Verse, Sandi Gardiner and Chris Roberts recap "emergent gameplay" events recorded by the community, including...

World of Warcraft Hunters launch #SaveHati campaign

With this week's World of Warcraft pre-expansion patch, Blizzard has made one group of players deeply unhappy by putting down their pet dog. Some --...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite non-awful gaming subreddit?

I want to flip the tables on the whole toxicity/Reddit thing a bit. Earlier this week, we talked about some of the problems Reddit...