
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Sure, who cares.

Survival sandbox Rust leaves early access on February 8

Remember Rust? It was a survival sandbox and - wait, no, this one was actually one of the first ones! It made people angry...

The Daily Grind: Where did you Marvel Heroes players scatter to after the sunset?

A couple of months ago, after we learned about the sunset of Marvel Heroes but before it actually happened early, we asked our local...

Ultima Online says it has ‘no plans to introduce legacy rulesets’

Seems as if everyone wants to talk legacy servers lately, what with RIFT and World of Warcraft getting on board the vanilla train. Even...
This should be obvious, but...

Riot partners with the Peach Belt Conference, Blizzard takes OWL toxicity seriously with suspension and fine

E-sports is continuing its rise in respectability: ESPN reports that Riot Games has partnered with the Peach Belt Conference, known to "real" sports fans...

ArenaNet donates $3500 to Guild Wars fan whose game copy survived a deadly housefire

Howasabout another feel-good story? Let's do it! This one comes from Kotaku, which covered a large donation Guild Wars 2 studio ArenaNet recently made...

VR Chat players aid seizure victim, shame trolls

Last year, we wrote about the extreme potential for griefing in virtual reality spaces as it's one of MMORPG developer Raph Koster's favorite talking...

Wisdom of Nym: Does Final Fantasy XIV have too many content subdivisions?

Here's a fun question for you about Final Fantasy XIV: What's the difference between a trial and a raid in the endgame? At first glance...

Leaderboard: Will you be playing RIFT’s new server?

Last week, Trion Worlds announced a bold move for its MMORPG RIFT: Debuting this spring will be a brand-new server for the game with...

Wild West Online polls fanbase on maps, quickdraw, coaches, and crafts

Wild West Online's devs are digging around for player opinions on what it should work on next. "Over the last few months you've given...

EVE Online community donates 3.7 million PLEX to family of fallen developer

Last fall, one of EVE Online's senior software engieers passed away at the age of 35, leaving a hole in the team's heart. While...

The Daily Grind: Is ‘naming-and-shaming’ MMO cheaters a good idea?

Last week on Reddit, an EVE Online player begged CCP to organize a wall of shame for botters - essentially an online list of...

Global Chat: Jumping on board the Warframe train

Are you playing Warframe these days? If not, you might be missing out on the growing party of people who seem to be flocking...

One Shots: Poppin’ some bubbly

We are going to kick off this week's exhibition of player screenshots with a few email submissions (yes, some of you still email them...
Stormy stormy storm-storm.

The Daily Grind: How often do you check your MMO playtime?

My main character in Final Fantasy XIV is fast approaching a year of total playtime. That isn't entirely surprising, since she's been in the...
The HORSE is a noble animal.

WRUP: This sentence is about horses edition

This sentence is about horses. This sentence is about horses. This sentence is about horses. This sentence is about horses. This sentence is about...

Champions Online introduces a new Nightmare event through February 1

My word! It's a Champions Online event! Not just an event, but a new event! We're sure that regular players of the game are...
Oh, this... keeps my feelings where they were before, really.

The Daily Grind: Are we due for a good cyberpunk MMO?

I am a generally big fan of the cyberpunk genre, especially when it works in a healthy dose of '80s aesthetics for that clunky,...
It's a real laugh.

Betawatch: Chronicles of Elyria hit with sizable layoffs (January 19, 2018)

So it looks like things are not all roses and light behind the scenes for Chronicles of Elyria, as the studio has apparently let...

The Stream Team: Happy birthday, Blade & Soul!

Another year, another birthday! Crazy how that happens, right? Massively OP's MJ is all set to re-immerse herself in the world of Blade &...
Sort of like jingles.

Fan creates a Final Fantasy XIV UI in Final Fantasy XI

For those of you who were wondering when Final Fantasy XI started supporting add-ons... it didn't. The game has never supported add-ons, and using...