
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Something something rightfully forgotten film revival, etc.

Town State Leisure: Camelot Unchained responds to absurd scraper article as only CSE can

If by chance you've ever run a blog about literally anything, you surely know about scrapers - those jerks who use scripts to steal...

Star Citizen explains where baby ships come from

Star Citizen just wouldn't be Star Citizen without its obsession with meticulously crafted starships, and they're exactly the focus of the Ship Shape segment...
Try it out.

Destiny 2 admits poor communication on weapons and the latest faction rally

The first time Destiny 2 ran a faction rally, its mechanics had a problem where players could basically just earn tons of tokens without...

Massively Overthinking: Tackling our hoarding problem in MMORPGs

By coincidence, two articles in my feeds this past week both centered on video game hoarding - not hoarding the actual games but hoarding...
Internalize this deep wisdom.

Final Fantasy XIV launches patch 4.2 on January 30

The next patch for Final Fantasy XIV arrives on January 30th, and that naturally means a whole lot of content for players to explore....
As intended.

World of Warcraft will be down most of today fixing patch 7.3.5’s bugs (Aaaaaand it’s back)

So, has World of Warcraft seemed a bit more... buggy to you lately? Because there have been some notable bugs since the whole worldwide...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO studio told the biggest fib in 2017?

Lies piss me off. I have had MMO developers look me in the eye and lie right to my face. I have had PR...

Pokemon Go adds monthly community events, summons giant (pokemon) whale

Still playing Pokemon Go? Wish you were, but couldn't find a group to raid with? Or maybe you are in a group but want to...

EverQuest and EverQuest II tease plans for 2018

Daybreak has lavished the EverQuest and EverQuest II websites with community letters from producer Lauren "Mooncast" McLemore. Both MMOs just came off a pair...
Finally, you can terrorize in peace.

Dark and Light patches in the new mobile fortress for all your supervillain lair needs

Good news, friends! Are you tired of dealing with all of the hassles of a fortress down on land, like the constant sieges and...
Liches do it with nothing.

World of Warcraft confirms that raid boss health bump is a mistake and being fixed

It was sort of a smack in the face to go to old raids in World of Warcraft yesterday. Not in the slap-in-the-face disrespectful...

Black Desert banned 647 cheaters over the last month, mostly fish botters, which is a thing

Thinking about cheating in Black Desert? Probably not; cheaters are hiding out in the bowels of the internet trading hacks with the other script...
Making my way no matter how bad it looks.

Choose My Adventure: Yes, Project Gorgon is a weird game

I want to start this column by saying the absolute meanest thing I have to say about Project Gorgon, and that one is probably...
What even is this any more.

Bless Online team promises that the game is coming to early access ‘as soon as possible’

The whole saga of development for Bless Online has been a lot of false starts and half-launches (the short version is that the game...
Too soon? No.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever regretted funding a Kickstarted MMO?

Look, if you want to call me a doomsayer or a pessimist or whatever when it comes to Kickstarter and MMOs, you have every...

Battle Bards Episode 113: Anarchy Online

Alien, quiet, and weird — that’s the Anarchy Online soundtrack for you in a nutshell. For the first episode of 2018, the ever-contentious Battle...
Boring plus boring equals still boring. Today in boring math.

Paragon is slowing down because the game just isn’t growing

It's a good thing that Paragon fans have gotten a detailed and straightforward update on the state of the game and its development future...

Star Trek Online offers up the Bajoran Interceptor as its crowning reward for its anniversary events

You didn't think Star Trek Online was just busting out a few giveaways for its eight-year anniversary celebration, did you? Because it's not. The...

Hyperspace Beacon: The case for mature-themed guilds in the SWTOR community

I am a huge advocate for guilds that can remain friendly to the under 18 crowd. One of my favorite Star Wars: The Old...

WildStar pens a retrospective on the game in 2017 while looking ahead to 2018

How would you rate the year 2017 for WildStar? As far as director Chad Moore is concerned, it went pretty well as a whole....