
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Big empty.

A player modder is building the No Man’s Sky you always wanted

Way back in 2016, No Man's Sky was all anyone talked about thanks to misleading hype positioning the game in the stratosphere. In fact, the...

One Shots: Poster perfect

One of the things that impresses me about the submissions to One Shots here is that so many of these pictures really could be...
Hey, it's okay.

The Daily Grind: How important is your MMO circle of friends to enjoying the game?

I've been fortunate, over the past couple of years, to make some really good friends in MMOs. Those friends are not the reason why...

Hi-Rez Expo 2018: Erez Goren, 10 more games, 400 employees, and Global Agenda’s City of Heroes roots

It is true that the Hi-Rez Expo has wrapped up for 2018, and we'll need to wait another 12 months to attend the next...

RIFT devs add memorial for fallen player and dimensioneer

The sad and touching saga of a fallen RIFT player continues this week as the game's developers cement her legacy in the game itself. You...

Accused Call of Duty swatter charged with involuntary manslaughter

Just before the new year, the gaming community was mortified to learn that an innocent Kansas man had been shot by police following a...
Are we actually the police without remembering it?

WRUP: It’s time to figure out if we’re wanted by the police and why edition

All right, everyone, settle down, you're probably wondering why I called this meeting. Let me get right down to it: Last weekend was a...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offers the best sky views?

I know it's a simple and basic thing, but I absolutely adore a great skybox in my MMORPGs. There's something about looking up at...
Arrrrrrrr Pee.

Betawatch: Sea of Thieves heads to closed beta cove later this month (January 12, 2018)

Avast, feast your eyes here, ye swabbies: Sea of Thieves be settin' sail for the waters of closed beta on the 24th of January...
Well, crap.

Blade & Soul previews its anniversary update and tailor shop in new videos

Video previews of patches are like a chance to try before you buy. Except that you aren't really trying so much as you're watching...

EVE Online players beg CCP to address botters after gamer takes down eight botter ships

Is there a quota for how many sci-fi spaceship MMOs with playerbases angry over exploits we can cover in a week? Because if so,...
This is not hard to do.

WoW Factor: Guessing at Battle for Azeroth’s release date using math

The "when will Battle for Azeroth" speculation train is rolling once again because it looks like patch 7.3.5 is just around the corner. We...

Check out the gameplay and Awakening of Black Desert’s Lahn class

Good news, everyone! If you've been closely following the Korean launch of Lahn in Black Desert, you'll be happy to know that there's a new awakening...

Destiny 2 outlines its 2018 roadmap, including major changes to the cash shop

It's fair to say that Destiny 2 has had a bit of a rough go over the past few weeks, what with the dropping...
Ultima Online

The Daily Grind: What MMO will be the next to change up its business model dramatically?

You may not like it, but the vast majority of MMORPGs are free-to-play or buy-to-play as of 2018. EVE Online went free-to-play at the...

Massively Overthinking: What’s the smallest MMO you’re willing to play?

A comment on Reddit about the current size and viability of Kritika Online got me thinking about MMO playerbases in general lately. We all...
Roll back all the patch!

Dark & Light address holiday bugs and teases 2018 content

If there's one thing you can complain about when it comes to Dark & Light, it's not failure to patch. The game patches a...

Wild Terra outlines upcoming system changes to improve post-launch issues

Bears! What are they good for? Hides in Wild Terra (say it again)! Except that actually getting those hides proved a lot harder than...
Take it down a notch there, Bruce Lee.

Kritika Online preps the Monk to kick (and punch) off the new year

It's time for us to all agree that weapons are for chumps. Kritika Online is introducing the Monk, you see, and the Monk just...

Choose My Adventure: Starting fresh in Project Gorgon

I'm really glad to be heading into Project Gorgon for the first CMA of the year. Not just because it's a title which I...