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Betawatch: TitanReach backtracks on admission it’s not paying all its devs

So Titan Reach is launching into its paid early access, and it announced that fact. That's good. What is less good is the fact...

Vague Patch Notes: The challenge of the average MMO player

Pick an MMO, any MMO you know pretty well. Pick an MMO where you have a good sense of how much content there is...

Recapping Nintendo Direct’s Splatoon 3, Animal Crossing x Mario, Monster Hunter Rise, and more

Last night's Nintendo Direct was about much more than new Xenoblade characters! While I'm sure the single-player stuff has some people interested or curious (for...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most egregious grifting you’ve seen in the MMO sphere?

There was a time when World of Warcraft charging $25 for a sparkly pony was considered absurd fleecing of its playerbase. Times have certainly...
Oh, right.

Wisdom of Nym: What Final Fantasy XIV has lined up for patch 5.5

Amidst all the news last week, the live letter for Final Fantasy XIV kind of got shoved off into the corner, didn't it? Partly...
We still care.

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs give you the most space for letting your mind wander?

One of the things I regularly like to do with playing MMOs is to put something else on my second monitor to watch while...
You are not the real thing.

Betawatch: Pantheon shows off its crafting

Could you describe Pantheon as a game about standing in place with other people and slowly leveling up? Maybe, if you were being reductive, but...
Bad people.

Vague Patch Notes: Emergent gameplay in MMOs isn’t a defense of awful behavior

To the surprise (or at least disappointment) of many, it turns out that some players in Elite: Dangerous found an exciting and fresh way to...
It just keeps happening.

WoW Factor: The return of Valor is far from valorous

This week's announcement that World of Warcraft will be bringing Valor back as a currency piqued my immediate interest, especially when we're not that...

The Daily Grind: Are there MMOs you tend to play mostly for events?

Back in the first season of Guild Wars 2's living world content, the update cadence meant that there were a lot of little bits...
This was a television show.

Perfect Ten: The types of MMO guilds

Guilds! They're remarkably consistent features of MMOs because developers have long realized that they are an unparalleled engine for creating drama, arguments, and recriminations....
We have Clive at home.

Wisdom of Nym: Everything we now know about Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker

So, hey, the moon! That's a place we haven't been yet, isn't it? We've blown up a moon in Final Fantasy XIV (or had...

The Daily Grind: How much effort do you want to put into MMO housing?

Housing! It's fashionable, it's fun, it's extensive, it gives your character in a given game a place to spend time other than milling around...
Based star.

Betawatch: Starbase plans to offer an easy build mode

The tricky thing about games that offer you a lot of freedom when it comes to building is that sometimes it's difficult to figure...
All over again.

WoW Factor: What I want to hear from World of Warcraft during BlizzConline

So hey, BlizzConline is coming up very soon, and that means more announcements about World of Warcraft! Within a fairly narrow lineup of possible bits...
So here's the deal.

Vague Patch Notes: If this MMO was so good, why didn’t it succeed?

Your mission today, should you choose to accept it, is to participate in an experiment. I want you to write up a nice long...
Guilty or innocent?

The Daily Grind: Are there any live MMOs that seem too old for you to try?

It's easy to overlook the sheer weight of age involved with live MMOs. Sure, it's easy to say that intellectually there's no reason you...
Toss me a cure, will you?

Wisdom of Nym: What to expect from Final Fantasy XIV’s announcement showcase Friday

My original plan for this particular column was to just write the title "The Final Fantasy XIV announcement showcase is on Friday" over and...
Stupid math! I never should have left you in charge!

The Daily Grind: What one change would you make on a rogue server for a live MMO?

Wow! Great news here, you are personally allowed to operate a rogue server for that live game you like! Seriously, you've got a whole...

Betawatch: Magic Legends hits open beta on March 23

It took a bit longer than expected, possibly longer than the developers had hoped, but it's finally happening. Magic Legends has an official open beta...