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Nothing else has worked.

WoW Factor: Oh no, not the Sylvanas redemption arc

All right. So. Apparently people wanted to know my response to the new cinematic mined out from within World of Warcraft. Cool. That's easy. My...
Over and over.

The Daily Grind: What moments make you feel powerful in MMOs?

Playing MMOs puts you on a certain power trajectory, one that curves forever upward. Over time, you gain more and more power and abilities....

You could be a Pokemon Go NPC trainer in Kanto, plus Mega Ampharos, Machop and more news

Ever wanted to be in an NPC in a Pokemon game? Well, Niantic is giving you a very slim chance to do so in Pokemon...
Get thee within, ye of victories forsaken.

Wisdom of Nym: Predicting Final Fantasy XIV’s 2021 for now

I don't know what 2021 is going to bring in general. This has always been the case, of course, but if anything 2020 should...
Welcome to funky town.

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs are making you happy at the start of 2021?

There hasn't yet been time for any major updates or changes to hit most games in 2021. That's just the reality; we've only been...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO expansion or update in 2021 are you most excited about?

There's going to be no shortage of major updates to MMOs in 2021. The Elder Scrolls Online and Guild Wars 2 already have expansions announced, everyone...
Plue Brotocol.

Vague Patch Notes: Don’t be the MMO beta defense squad

Every week, I have to think about betas. I have to think a lot about betas, in fact. More than I ever wanted to...
Emergency food.

The Daily Grind: Do you have any MMO resolutions for 2021?

This terrible year is almost behind us, and that means it's time to start thinking about the next one. Which brings to mind resolutions...

End-of-Year Eleven: The MMOs with the most uncertain futures in 2021

All right, let's do this one more time. Yes, it's that time when we look ahead to the next year and ask which games...
Bring the light

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s 2020 was better than expected, worse than planned

Here's something interesting to consider in the abstract: Bereft of any further outside context and looked at purely from a content standpoint, Final Fantasy...

The Daily Grind: Does this holiday season affect your MMO time?

Normally, the holidays are a time with stuff happening. There's traveling to be done usually as you see members of your family, there's stuff...

Wisdom of Nym: Impressions of Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 5.4 story

It'd be wrong to say that this patch is our first patch back on the Source in Final Fantasy XIV. We've been splitting our...
It's a real laugh.

Betawatch: Chronicles of Elyria insists it’s not dead

Seriously, Chronicles of Elyria isn't dead! It feels much better and wants to go take a walk. Why did everyone think it was dead just...
Welcome to funky town.

Vague Patch Notes: The verbs of MMOs

Even if you don't like crafting, you should care if your MMO of choice has meaningful crafting. And you should especially care if it...
We were born to run.

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs did you personally have the most fun with in 2020?

I had a lot of fun with Final Fantasy XIV this year. This is not in and of itself unusual; I usually have a lot of...
Really inactive.

End-of-Year Eleven: The biggest MMO stories of 2020

Here's a fun question for you: What's the difference between the biggest surprises of a year and the biggest stories of the year? The answer,...
Accounted for!

Wisdom of Nym: Impressions of Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 5.4 content

Here's something that I think no one, even me, really acknowledged heading into this particular patch: Final Fantasy XIV set itself up with a really difficult...
Skull go BLORF

The Daily Grind: How quickly do you aim for the level cap in MMOs?

It's rare for me to not be done with the leveling in a Final Fantasy XIV expansion or a World of Warcraft expansion in a couple...
All over again.

WoW Factor: The strange diegetics of the Shadowlands

So hey, everyone may be totally immortal right now in World of Warcraft. That seems like a thing we should examine now, huh? I freely admit...
Y'shjtola might be mad.

Vague Patch Notes: Defining the vague mass that is the MMO community

The community is important when it comes to talking about an MMO. This is an established fact; I wrote an entire column about how...