
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

Star Citizen’s main theme is pretty great

What will Star Citizen sound like? Underneath all the pew pews and the rumbling rocket engines, there's a score composed by Pedro Camacho that...

You can have a heat stroke in Black Desert’s desert

Did you know that Black Desert features a heat stroke DoT? Apparently it does, as Steparu had to chug a few health potions while...
Memes seem. gets Twitch integration, Overwatch gets some criminals

Do you want an easier way to stream Heroes of the Storm from the client? Possibly in anticipation of the new skins and...

Stream Team: 12 days of TOR, day one

With the new expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic hitting the live servers in a little less than a month, our streamers Larry...

Here’s how Bless looks in its last beta test

Steparu's still playing through Bless' final Korean beta test. He outlines the game's playable classes or jobs (Guardian, Berserker, Paladin, Ranger, Assassin, and Mage,...

Here’s a longer look at The Secret World’s hoverboard

Last week Funcom teased the upcoming hoverboard mount in The Secret World. That was just a 9-second clip, though. Today, the firm has posted...

Worlds Adrift gets a full gameplay trailer

Last Friday, Bossa Studios teased a trailer for its new Worlds Adrift trailer. Today, we got a look at the real deal, which turns...

The Stream Team: More story with Marvel Heroes’ Storm

With three heroes now at maximum level in Marvel Heroes, it is time for MassivelyOP's MJ to go back to her first love: Storm....
Still unable to purchase a bra, though.

Blade & Soul shines a spotlight on the Blade Master

You would think that a class by the name of Blade Master would be really important in Blade & Soul. It's half of the...

The MOP Up: All news must go!

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

The Stream Team: ARK has rafts!

In a game called ARK, you'd think that some kind of sea-faring vessel would be involved. However, it wasn't until the recent patch that...

Worlds Adrift gets a trailer for a trailer

Bossa Studios has released a new trailer for sandbox-with-airships title Worlds Adrift. It's really short, because it's in fact a trailer for the full...

The Stream Team: City life in Landmark

The last time MassivelyOP's MJ toured Landmark, she showed off a single city. But there are many more concrete jungles and impressive skyscrapers spread...

Elder Scrolls Online is coming to Japan in 2016

Can Elder Scrolls Online take root in an eastern country such as Japan? That's what we're going to find out, as ESO will be...

Is WildStar’s cash shop pay-to-win?

Is WildStar going to be pay-to-win when the free-to-play patch hits on September 29th? That's the topic du jour of a video that looks...

EVE Online reintroduces large-scale expansions

Earlier this week, EVE Online Executive Producer Andie "CCPSeagull" Nordgren announced that the game will be returning to large-scale expansions in addition to frequent patches. What can...

The Stream Team: Launching those (World of) Warships!

Today's the day that eager captains can officially launch their naval careers as World of Warships leaves beta behind and joins the sea of...

Black Desert’s Ninja gets a new trailer

Earlier this week we heard about Black Desert's new Ninja class. Today, developer Pearl Abyss and publisher Daum have released a new trailer for...

Bless’ action combat is currently ‘a bit wonky’

Inquiring minds want to know if Korean fantasy import Bless is an actual action MMO or the usual tab-targeting mishmash with a twist. Steparu has...

The Stream Team: More SWTOR giveaways

What adventures await MassivelyOP's Larry and MJ in Star Wars: The Old Republic? It doesn't really matter: They will be so focused on trying...