
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

Elder Scrolls Online gives you a first look at Imperial City DLC pack

Elder Scrolls Online has been cruising along in buy-to-play mode for a few months now (and reportedly doing quite well for itself), but its...
This was all funny until it happened to us!

Pro e-sports player admits using performance-enhancing drugs, says doping is widespread

Remember when it became clear that major league baseball was awash in drugs? That drugs weren't just a problem that some players had but...

Warcraft movie footage smuggled from SDCC

Well, you know that someone had to be the sneaky one and record the Warcraft movie footage from the San Diego Comic Con. And...

The Stream Team: High-speed Heritage Questing in EverQuest II

Have you been missing EverQuest Two-sday? Well, it's back! And there are so many different adventures MassivelyOP's MJ wants to get to before the...

New Civilization Online vids show character customization and gameplay

A pair of Civilization Online videos were spotted in the wild this week, and by wild I mean on YouTube. Don't feel bad if you...

You can’t see the new Warcraft trailer, but you can read about it

Last week's San Diego Comic Con was of great interest to World of Warcraft fans, as Director Duncan Jones led a panel of the...

Not So Massively: Path of Exile’s Awakening and Heroes of Newerth’s new character Skrap

This week in not-so-massive online games, third-person MOBA SMITE confirmed that it's raised over $640,000 in competitive tournament prize money through sales and crowdfunding...

RuneScape’s Liberation of Mazcab raid now available

RuneScape has been around for quite a while now, but one thing the long-running fantasy title has lacked is a proper raiding experience. As...

See the fun that alpha testers are having in Albion Online

After just a week and a half of Albion Online's summer alpha test, players are stacking up an impressive pile of videos showing off...

The Stream Team: Giving away SWTOR goodies

Come to the dark side, we have goodies! OK, maybe that isn't an official slogan for SWTOR, but it is for MassivelyOP's Larry and...

Here’s the latest Star Citizen FPS update

Cloud Imperium has published another in its ongoing series of weekly updates regarding Star Marine (otherwise known as Star Citizen's first-person shooter module, if...

Black Desert video review rips MMO beta as a ‘shallow game’

When it comes to MMO betas, don't you usually want to cut through the hype and hysteria to get at the truth of whether...

The Stream Team: Checking out Cabal II

Cabal II opened its beta doors last week, which means MassivelyOP's MJ can sneak in for a peek. She'll show off the character creation...

ArcheAge’s skill queues lead to near-instant kill exploits [Updated]

Skill queues are meant as a way for players to "store up" commands and have all of those commands finally executed in one fell...

Path of Exile: The Awakening launches today

The ground is rumbling underneath Path of Exile and will soon erupt in a plume of fiery content. The Awakening, a long-awaited content update,...

The Stream Team: Launching into Trove’s release

It's Trove's launch day! And MassivelyOP's MJ can hardly resist checking out a new game, let alone one with voxel building and cool pets...

League of Legends’ newest champion can swallow you whole

One thing is for certain: Tahm Kench is not going to be winning any beauty contests in League of Legends. Fortunately, abilities matter more...

Echo of Soul exits beta, launches first raid

Confused over Echo of Soul's nebulous launch status? Fortunately, it's going to be a lot more clear-cut going forward, as the fantasy MMO has...

Trion’s voxelbox Trove celebrates formal launch today

Trion's voxelbox Trove leaps from open beta to formal launch today, putting that extra server capacity Trion prepped last month to good use. "At launch,...
You made it sing, all right.

Paragon Chat sees 200 concurrent users at peak

Paragon Chat is not the City of Heroes revival that everyone wants, obviously, but it is a chance to walk around, chat, and enjoy...