Let's dig our way out!

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG sees the most multiboxing as of 2020?

A couple of months ago, I read a post on the Nomadic Gamers, Eh! blog where Stargrace begins her post talking about multboxing in World of Warcraft. And I don't just mean a little bit of multiboxing; I mean eight accounts. As she notes, she was making tons of gold but not really having fun. "onestly I’m just much...

MMO Week in Review: Solidarity, Odyssey, and mourning FFXIV’s Fan Festival

This week, the news across the US and the world focused on the ongoing Black Lives Matter movement, and gaming joined in the chorus, as multiple studios pledged solidarity with protesters and postponed events to clear the way for activism. On the MMO front, we reminisced over WildStar and Marvel Heroes, got caught up with Black Desert's next big thing,...

Destiny 2 took an hour and a half to blow up a ship in its weekend event

If you thought Destiny 2 might be the game to challenge Fortnite's supposed "metaverse" status, well, we're sorry to disappoint you on... basically every level. This weekend, Bungie ran its own sort of live event yesterday afternoon, as the warmind clashed with the big bad spaceship. Unfortunately, it took something on the order of 90 minutes to actually unfold. https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/gy9bqw/tried_to_get_a_time_lapse_of_the_almighty/ Meanwhile,...

The MOP Up: Granado Espada got a brand-new server

Have you completely forgotten that Granado Espada -- also called Sword of the New World -- still exists? It does, and in fact, the European version just added a new server this past week! The opening of the Jilberto server came with lots of events, some of which are still going on through the end of the month. And this...

Make My MMO: Elite Dangerous’ Odyssey is a challenge to Star Citizen

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Elite Dangerous formally announced the Odyssey expansion coming in 2021, which will put players on the ground, literally, as they get their space legs and can wander around planets unfettered from their ships. The downside, though, is that the expansion won't include base building or VR compatibility, at least at launch. Meanwhile, we poked our...
Scratching an itch.

Global Chat: Phantasy Star Online 2 tips and tricks

As you... may have heard, Phantasy Star Online 2's PC launch was all sorts of horrible, especially from an installation perspective. Belghast over at Tales of the Aggronaut spent a post airing his grievances over the plagued launch, but in all fairness, he also followed that up with several articles about facets of the game that he's discovering and...

Dungeons and Dragons Online gives everyone 46 free quest packs, posts hardcore season leaderboard

Just in case you missed seeing this the other day, Dungeons and Dragons Online is making a huge bulk of its content completely free to everyone who takes the time to log in and grab it. Standing Stone Games posted a code -- DDOfreequests -- that can be used in the game store to unlock 46 quest packs to...

One Shots: Do you have a few moments to talk about Jediism?

Here's a player housing pro-tip that is useful when striking up a settlement in a risky location: Make a door. A big door. A big door with a lock and that little robot gatekeeper from Return of the Jedi who was rude to C3P0. Because if you don't, you're going to find that the locals are going to solicit...
Sometimes the game hates you trying to understand it.

The Daily Grind: What’s the most irritating bit of MMO randomness you’ve dealt with?

I've frequently said that Final Fantasy XI influenced a lot of my later feelings on MMOs, and this is also true of the crafting. For those unfamiliar with the game's crafting, it worked like this: First, you looked up a recipe elsewhere. Then, you got the right kind of crystal, the materials, made sure to face in the right direction,...

Crucible shelves two of its three game modes as part of planned refinements

The devs of Crucible are looking to refine the team-based shooter, which has been roughly outlined in a dev post on Steam as well as the most recent dev update video. Their idea of refinement: Axe two of the three game modes and make the remaining mode better. Amazon has decided to put full development focus on the player favorite...