Crowfall introduces the player layaway program

If there's a big juicy Crowfall purchase that you'd like to make, but your current funds are lacking, then boy does ArtCraft have a solution for you. The studio announced today that it's created a layaway program for gamers who want to buy an item or package that costs $100 or more. Players can plunk down a portion of the...

BioWare comments on SWTOR’s chair exploit

Did you hear about that temple chair decoration exploit in Star Wars: The Old Republic? In a nutshell, the chair could be purchased for one credit and sold back for 100, which is obviously not what BioWare wanted or intended. Community manager Eric Musco warned players that buying and selling the chair is considered an exploit, and that it will...

Leaderboard: Which Wargaming title is your favorite?

World of Tanks never interested me much. World of Warplanes nailed the subject matter but unfortunately it didn't meet my expectations for an aerial combat title. World of Warships, on the other hand, is surprisingly enjoyable. Granted, I've only played it over a beta weekend at this point, but there's something oddly satisfying about the title that I can't quite verbalize...
Please, let this just be me.

TUG’s new tech update is so big that all players must start over

The bad news is that TUG players can no longer load up and play any of their saved games. The good news is the reason why: The 0.8.5 tech update to the terrain is so drastic that all prior versions are no longer compatible. The upcoming sandbox's latest Kickstarter update announces that this version marks the big turn to...
Because this hadn't already been kind of boring years ago?

World of Warcraft details the timewalking mechanics of the Shattered Halls

Let's assume you're playing World of Warcraft's latest big patch, but raiding Hellfire Citadel isn't in the cards for you for whatever reason. What else can you do? Well... you could go into Hellfire Citadel anyway. Only not this version of Hellfire Citadel; a different version of Hellfire Citadel wherein you take on a demonically corrupted version of the Horde...

E3 2015: Previewing Wargaming’s Master of Orion reboot

As you've all heard by now, MMO giant Wargaming announced a reboot of the classic game Master of Orion during this year's E3. The company might be known best for its free-to-play war franchises, but it actually started out as a single-player strategy game company with the Massive Assault games, which makes it uniquely equipped to handle this franchise. The original MOO (yes, even the Wargaming team affectionately says "moo"...

Massively Opinionated: What is the biggest PR mistake an MMO’s ever made?

In this episode, Larry, Mike, Tina, and Cosmic Engine debate MMO PR blunders, bad cash shops, and drastic patches.

Final Fantasy XIV puts on a mind-blowing symphony with 143 laptops

What would you do if someone gave you 143 laptops, an MMO, and an automatic piano? How much trouble could you get into? Square-Enix provided the answer to a question we never thought to ask by creating an "Eorzea Symphony" with said laptops, piano, and Final Fantasy XIV. In the following short video, the team links all of them together...

LOTRO bringing cosmetic weapons, Hobbit adventures, and a PvMP map this summer

One of the long-running wish list items for Lord of the Rings Online players has been a cosmetic item system -- something that Turbine previously said was too difficult to implement. However, it looks as though the studio has had a breakthrough on the tech, as it has announced that it will be introducing such a system this summer. Executive...

Win a Skyforge CBT4 key from Massively OP and Allods Team (All gone now!)

Skyforge's fourth and final closed beta test begins today, bringing with it two advanced classes, a difficulty toggle, a group finder, and customizable guilds, plus there's the promise of a future open beta now in the planning stages. We've got 1000 beta keys for this round of testing to give out thanks to the fine folks at, Obsidian, and Allods Team;...