Bethesda outlines your first five hours in Elder Scrolls Online

Bethesda has published a new blog post that sums up a player's first five hours in Elder Scrolls Online. As you might expect, there's not a lot here that's helpful to existing fans or experienced PC players, but if you're new and/or considering an ESO sojourn on your console, you can get a good overview of what awaits you...

APB: Reloaded wraps up server merges

There's good news in store for APB: Reloaded players who have been weathering server merges in North America. The move is done, and while a name for the new NA server hasn't been decided by the community just yet, at least players can settle down in their new virtual home. The team said that it's moving on to work on...
This must have been some party.

Shroud of the Avatar on mines and minigames

Having the ability to move things in a game world usually leads to player inventiveness. It's how Shroud of the Avatar community member Bambino invented Gustball, a game in which players try to use Gust to shove a player character designated as "the ball" across a field and into a goal. It also does mean that someone has to be...

Sword and Bored: Ranged Class

Mo learns that ranged classes make the best kill-stealers.

Colonies Online contributes crafting and shotguns to the war effort

Everyone knows that if you're going to head out into deep space to explore strange new worlds, you'd better have a trusty shotgun on hand with which to greet the wildlife. Fortunately, Colonies Online players won't have to go without solid weaponry with the game's 0.11 alpha patch. The patch, which came out late last week, adds shotguns, rifles, and...

The Stream Team: Dr. Doom does Midtown Madness in Marvel Heroes

With all the trouble Dr. Doom has caused in the Marvel Heroes story, it's hard to think of him as a hero. But that won't stop MassivelyOP's MJ from playing him! And what better way to get access to all of his powers than by taking him to Midtown Madness, where she can gorge on XP (and loot)? As...
Take a shot.

Das Tal is halfway to funding on Kickstarter with two days left

The halfway mark for funding is an important milestone for any Kickstarter campaign, but whether it's a good sign or a darker one depends a lot upon when you hit it. Das Tal has hit its halfway mark for funding, but there are only two more days as of this writing for the campaign to finish up. That's not...
This is who we were.

Wisdom of Nym: Predicting the story beats for Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward

At the time you read this, you'll have about 11 days left until early access starts up for Final Fantasy XIV's first expansion -- possibly more depending on how the servers manage to hold up under the load. I wouldn't imagine it's going to be as bad as things were at launch, as those issues seem to have largely...

Lord of the Rings Online releases a balance patch with new roleplaying stage

The most recent patch to Lord of the Rings Online will go down in infamy for its basic lute volume nerfs. It's 12% quieter now, and flutes are 15% louder. Clearly, this patch is focused entirely around nerfing lutes. Also around a number of bugfixes for instances and quests and providing several balance tweaks for several classes, but it's...
You get to celebrate these in betas now, apparently.

HEX celebrates its second birthday

A lot has changed for HEX since the game first went to Kickstarter a few years ago. The anniversary letter to the community touches on precisely that, noting that when the game launched to potential backers, it was with far less knowledge about what would be a design hurdle and what wouldn't. But the letter is an optimistic one;...