One Shots: The infinite summons

One of the stranger Final Fantasy tropes is that the more powerful a summoned creature is, the longer it would take for any given game to play its animation. By the time I left the series around Final Fantasy X, summons were getting ridiculously long (like, make yourself lunch and go to the bathroom long). I can only imagine...
Does this happen in the game? I seriously don't know.

The Daily Grind: Have bugs ever killed your enthusiasm for an MMO?

With a sale on Steam and a bit of curiosity, I decided that I would pick up and play some Fallout 3 over the weekend. Unfortunately, the description of the game didn't include the important bit of information that the game will randomly crash on a regular basis, meaning that of my playtime in the game thus far, I'd...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: June 6, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Das Tal continued its Kickstarter info dump and it invited everyone into its alpha test for one day only. Voxelnauts posted a new Kickstarter video and achieved a critical mass of Steam user support by getting greenlit on Valve's ubiquitous PC platform. Elite: Dangerous released its long-awaited Powerplay update, while Star Citizen delivered another...

The Stream Team: More motorcycle madness in GTA Online

When it comes to motorcycles, MassivelyOP's MJ just can't get enough! So she's taking to the streets of GTA Online to look for the best bike to borrow (permanently). And how can she pass up the chance to race a dirt bike or two through the hills? Tune in live at 6:00 p.m. for a two-wheeled trip through Los...

Dark Age of Camelot tweaks guilds, looks forward to pathing improvements

Broadsword has published the patch notes for Dark Age of Camelot's 1.118 update. The devs say that they've "spent a lot of time working on not only exciting content and improvements but also on some behind-the-scenes fixes for guilds and other systems that won't find their way into the patch notes." If you want to read those patch notes, follow...

The Game Archaeologist: The Matrix Online

It's not every year that a movie comes along that captures the pop culture zeitgeist so powerfully and so quickly as The Matrix did. I recall lugging a few college friends along to see this back in 1999 -- having heard only a few sparse details about it beforehand -- and coming out of the theater feeling as if...

The Stream Team: Introducing The Secret World’s first motorcycle

Oh happy day! MassivelyOP's MJ is finally getting her Secret World motorcycle, something she's wanted since her first days walking around Kingsmouth. Even better, she'll be getting to work with Moose again in order to earn it. If you want to check out how this new sprint customization system works (or you just want to listen to MJ make...

TERA is adding a new PvE server on June 9

En Masse is adding a new server to TERA! The firm says that the Steam launch and the introduction of the new Gunner class have been a huge success, so much so that the population cap on the game's PvE servers has been raised to 120 percent over the past month. The new Highwatch PvE shard will open on June...
Boy, the angry emails I'm writing for myself.

WRUP: Fallout Seven or whatever edition

Folks, the big video game news this week was confirmation that Fallout Something is going to be released! Through powerful kung fu focusing mostly on kicks powered by guns, I've obtained some new information about the game that I somewhat bothered to remember. The game will take place in some part of Rhode Island on an average Saturday and features giant...

Star Citizen’s massive monthly report recaps May’s progress

Star Citizen's monthly report was released last night, and in typical fashion it's a huge info dump that covers much of what Cloud Imperium's globe-spanning dev collective accomplished in May. It's broken down by studio, so expect to read about CIG Santa Monica's work on the game's first passenger ship, CIG Austin's work on the Pioneer occupation, and Foundry 42's work...