Champions Online is revamping its tutorial

If you ever felt let down or confused over Champions Online's introductory experience, then the team would like to welcome you to try it again soon. Cryptic is hard at work revamping its tutorial experience, changing it to be themed as a virtual training exercise at the Ravenswood Academy. The Academy will also show up in the game world...

Perfect Ten: Why you should care about the Infinite Crisis shutdown

It might seem a little odd that the one thing to break through my current state of hyper-excitement for the launch of Heavensward and the upcoming free-to-play conversion for WildStar is the shutdown of Infinite Crisis. But it's also the first piece of news that I've actually found kind of worrisome, and I don't usually get unsettled. Games get...
Wub wub wub wub.

Defiance devs on the next season and the future of the game

The third season of the show Defiance starts up on June 12th, which is likely of particular interest to fans of Defiance the game. Sure, the two don't always directly correspond, but there's a connection between them - that was one of the big selling points of the game when it first launched, after all. Now that the show is...

Dungeons & Dragons Online demos the upcoming Warlock

In the context of the tabletop game that gives Dungeons & Dragons Online its name, a Warlock is a class defined by making a pact for power with some exceptional power. DDO simulates this by giving you laser beams that fire out of your hands. That's admittedly glossing over the details (they're actually more like orbs than laser beams),...

Voxelbox Trove is officially launching on July 9

This is it, Trove fans. The finish line of beta and the starting line for the official live game. Trion Worlds announced that Trove will be launching for real on July 9th. Game Director Andrew "Avarem" Krausnick addressed the timing of the launch: "Why now? To put it simply: it's ready. If you log in today you'll play Trove the...

Guild Wars 2 unveils the leafy goodness of the Revenant’s Ventari legend

After a few days of teases, another legend has been formally revealed for Guild Wars 2's upcoming Revenant profession, and it's all about healing. Yes, these dark knights of the Mist have a Legend that's devoted to being a beacon of health. It makes sense when you consider it's a legend based around the venerated centaur Ventari, considered a spiritual ancestor...

The Daily Grind: Have you tried Heroes of the Storm?

So, Heroes of the Storm launched this week. And Infinite Crisis called it quits. That's an interesting and slightly regrettable one-two punch from my perspective, but I suspect I'm in the minority there. Regardless, Blizzard's latest game is everywhere, from television commercials (people still watch television?) to honest trailers to hard drives the world over. What about you, MOP readers...

New Albion vid details guild-vs.-guild gameplay

Albion Online's latest video highlights the fantasy sandbox's guild vs. guild feature. The four-minute clip details how the game gives you "the freedom to conquer the world." The gameplay involves a lot of politics and territory conquests that take the form of 5-on-5 battles, which the devs say ensures that the battles are determined by player skill rather than...

Heroes of the Storm gets an honest trailer

Surely you've heard of the honest trailer phenomenon, wherein a guy with an action movie trailer voice narrates footage of popular films, TV shows, and games to humorous effect. Blizzard's newly released Heroes of the Storm MOBA got the honest trailer treatment this week, and while the original honest trailer guy seems to have gone on vacation, his stand-in has some memorable...

RuneScape players fend off a planet eater

Bummer: A giant creature named Tuska is heading toward RuneScape's world with the full intent of gobbling it up. Wait, did we say bummer? We meant awesome, because that means a fun new summer event for players. Players will be banding together to fend off the intergalactic beast, and to do that they'll need to make deals with gods and...