crowfall - search results

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Crowfall introduces the Half-Giant race

Go big or go home! If that's your philosophy, you could do worse than to recruit Crowfall's Half-Giant onto your team. The product of archetype...

Gamescom 2017: Crowfall soars with its cinematic trailer

Noble heroes? More like scavengers in truth. That's the bottom line for player characters in Crowfall, as spelled out in the MMO's Gamescom trailer. In...

Crowfall divulges details on the diminutive Fae

Don't call them "tiny," not unless you want your Achilles heel slashed and your hair set on fire while screaming laughter fills your ears....
This isn't alive yet, but it, too, is going to die.

Crowfall’s class/race retooling requires significant animation work for ArtCraft

ArtCraft Creative Director J Todd Coleman and Senior Animator Eric Doggett are back for another lengthy Crowfall Q&A, discussing upcoming cons and and getting...
Wow, that escalated quickly.

Crowfall adds the Gryphon to its bestiary

We have all played enough fantasy games at this point to know what a gryphon is. It's what happens when a bird and a...

Crowfall tests an itty-bitty teeny-weeny campaign map

Judge not Crowfall by its pre-alpha size, will you? Let's hope not, because for the sake of testing the team is cramming players together in...
Interact with this.

Crowfall adds a targeting reticle to object interaction

Interacting with objects is a pretty core part of playing Crowfall. Some of these interactions are rather straightforward, like interacting with an arrow when...

Crowfall won’t let you buy names or take them away for being inactive

As Crowfall continues to be developed and fans become more familiar with the game as a whole, interest turns to the nitty gritty details...
No, I don't want no bugs.

Crowfall announces the ‘mur-deerous’ Elken race

MMORPG players are no strangers to anthropomorphic races, particularly of the cat, lizard, and rat varieties. Leave it to Crowfall to explore some of...

Crowfall’s in the middle of a massive day-long Q&A dev stream

So! It's almost noon, and you have nothing better to do but sit around and watch people talk about video games for 12 hours,...

Crowfall’s Cleric rises from the ashes of the Legionnaire

Farewell Legionnaire, hello Cleric! As part of the Crowfall development team's decision to decouple races and classes, the former Legionnaire archetype dissolved in the...

Crowfall hosts a race and class ‘show and tell’ session

Remember how Crowfall announced back in May that it was decoupling its race and class archetypes to allow players to mix-and-match more freely? This...

Crowfall gives a sneak peek at its new eternal kingdom building blocks

Do you have visions of what your mighty castle fortress will look like in Crowfall's eternal kingdom? To help with your fertile imagination --...

Here’s how Crowfall is overhauling its skill system

Crowfall's ramping up the dev blogs this week with a fresh one on the skills system. "Skills are one of the main methods of...

Crowfall says its biggest parcels are crazy expensive because they’re meant for guilds

Last month, we included Crowfall among the games discussed in a Massively Overthinking roundtable that focused on MMO monetization running amok. Why? Because Crowfall...
More for the slaughter once again.

Crowfall Q&A video covers number squish and the difference between disciplines and classes

Do you like numbers? It's summer, you shouldn't have to think about math! That's OK, the Crowfall team will deal with that for you. In this...

Crowfall’s ads and disads system is the best part of character creation

Ah, character creation: the best part of so many MMORPGs. So how's it working for Crowfall? A new dev blog out this week from...

Crowfall gets ready to begin testing its campaign system

One of Crowfall's most important systems -- if not the crux of the entire game -- is its campaign system. This repeatable PvP experience will...

E3 2017: Fortnite is Crowfall for PvE fans

The other day when I made a rare venture out of my E3 coverage den, my slightly younger brother asked, "Hey, did you hear...
The hungriest of domes.

Crowfall illuminates racial bonuses and abilities in Q&A

There's no doubt that a lot has been happening recently with Crowfall's class and race structure, particularly following following May's announcement that the team...