crowfall - search results

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Let's get templarious. Assume that's a word.

Crowfall’s ‘development velocity to increase’

Now that it has the foundations of its systems in place, Crowfall has a lot more stuff to add into the game in a...

Crowfall shows the making of your spirit crow

In Crowfall, every player will be exactly the same race, as their true form will be an etheral crow spirit that can inhabit "vessels"...
Die, die, die!

Crowfall details the mechanics of death, resurrection, and swapping characters

You will die while playing Crowfall. That's pretty much inevitable. But you will also never die in Crowfall, because you are not your character;...

Make My MMO: Project Gorgon’s new shop, Crowfall’s investor tally (January 21, 2017)

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Project Gorgon opened up a brand-new web store. "Currently, we are listing four crowdfunding packages from our prior...

Stitch together your own playable bodies in Crowfall

Do you have any qualms about playing with dead things in video games? How about playing a dead thing itself? Crowfall will offer both...

Leaderboard: Did you participate in Crowfall’s equity crowdfunding raise?

Finishing up today is Crowfall's Indiegogo-based equity crowdfunding campaign, one of the first games and MMORPGs to take advantage of new 2016 laws that...

Here’s how Crowfall is tweaking resource harvesting for Big World

Crowfall Design Lead Thomas "Blixtev" Blair has a new dev blog out this afternoon on the resource harvesting slice of the big world testing going...
Just like a cat.

Recapping Crowfall’s equity investment Q&A

Early this afternoon, ArtCraft Entertainment's J. Todd Coleman and Gordon Walton answered investor questions about Crowfall's equity crowdfunding venture, which closes out on Monday....

Betawatch: Crowfall claims 2017 (January 6, 2017)

Here we are, in 2017! It seems a lot like 2016 and things are still kind of awful. On the bright side, David Bowie...
Leave it, homes. I'm chilling.

Crowfall reaches a funding stretch goal and aims for one last target

Back in November, Crowfall studio ArtCraft joined Indiegogo's fledgling equity crowdfunding platform, which makes use of brand-new laws that allow non-accredited investors to invest in...
Pictured: bugs, we guess? Metaphor is hard.

Crowfall answers player questions on server size and QA work

What ever happened to Crowfall's stretch goal for a QA lead? The answer is nothing happened to it; it's still a goal for the...
Let's get templarious. Assume that's a word.

Crowfall team says 2017 is ‘gonna be our year,’ shows off the Templar

Crowfall isn't wasting any time in claiming dominance over 2017. ArtCraft's J. Todd Coleman said that, "2017 is going to be our year, I...
I mean, nothing is real.

Crowfall is testing out its item imports and exports between worlds

The many worlds of Crowfall are built on a premise of risk and reward. The best materials are found in the most dangerous kill-or-be-killed...

Crowfall traces the career of Gordon Walton

When you follow the development of MMOs, do you ever find yourself wondering who these people are making the games and what is their...
Why did you keep going?

Crowfall Q&A tackles skills and ‘big world’ testing

As 2016 comes to a close, Crowfall finds itself in pre-alpha testing involving the so-called "big world." At this point the community has many...
Same as it ever was.

Crowfall shows off its unique server maps

In most MMOs, it doesn't matter what server you play on, the world still has the same shape. You don't log in to a...

Crowfall shows off the many faces (and colors) of character customization

It's easy to look at all of Crowfall's screenshots up to now and be vaguely reminded of throwing action figures against one another. That's...
More for the slaughter once again.

Crowfall locks up EU store credit

An unexpected snag in Crowfall's digital store is prompting ArtCraft to make some changes to its European operations. "An interesting side-effect of having an official...

Make My MMO: Crowfall’s big world playtest, Star Citizen’s alpha 2.6 (December 3, 2016)

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, ArtCraft says over 9000 gamers have been invited to try to break the three alpha servers active during Crowfall's "Big...
Let the crows fall, let them tumble.

Crowfall crosses minimum goal for its equity crowdfunding effort

ArtCraft announced today day that it's "officially crossed the minimum necessary threshold" for its latest crowdfunding effort for Crowfall. It's now raised $152,084 with...