
World of Warcraft celebrates 19 years with a free goodie box, daily quests, and revived classic bosses

It's the 19th birthday of World of Warcraft this month, and that means there's a celebration going on in-game. That's hardly a surprise, and...

Dark Age of Camelot re-engages its Crossroads Covenant event as part of its anniversary celebration

The beginning of this month saw Dark Age of Camelot mark 22 years of operation with the promise of multiple returning events, and now...

Embers Adrift goes free through November 5th for its first anniversary

The first anniversary for indie MMO Embers Adrift arrives this month, and Stormhaven Studios is capitalizing on the moment to entice players to its...
I don't speak mandarin.

Genshin Impact’s third anniversary event will be like the previous anniversary events players didn’t like

Apparently, the leadership at miHoYo looked at the anniversary of Overwatch 2 being disappointing, heard someone say, "Nobody can do worse than that," and...

GTA Online celebrates 10 years of Grand Theft Auto V with in-game events and goodies

Yesterday marked 10 years since Grand Theft Auto V released to the gaming world, which was cause for Grand Theft Auto Online to celebrate...

SWGEmu celebrates Star Wars Galaxies’ 20th birthday year with a tribute video

Yes, Star Wars Galaxies celebrated its 20th anniversary back in June - we wrote all about it - but we like SWG 'round these...

Embers Adrift plans to celebrate its first anniversary with GM events, a free weekend, and alchemy details

Sunday, October 15th, will mark the first full year of operation for Embers Adrift, which means that Stormhaven Studios is readying to celebrate the...

The Stream Team: Celebrating 10 years of Final Fantasy XIV ARR

It's not every day you get to have a 10th anniversary, and that's just what Final Fantasy XIV is doing, which naturally means that...

Tower of Fantasy marks a year of operation, opens a new area, and adds a new character August 8

Tuesday, August 8th, will be a pretty important date for Tower of Fantasy, and not just because that's when it arrives to PlayStation consoles;...
World of Warplanes

Wargaming celebrates studio’s 25th anniversary with bundle discounts, freebies, and in-game events

Wargaming is officially 25 years old this month, and that's cause for its catalogue of games to throw a party, with some bundle discounts,...

Fiesta Online’s August 1 anniversary update tasks players with defending cake and holding cupcake wars

We get the distinct impression that Fiesta Online is hungry for cake, though to be fair, that urge would make sense since the game's...

MapleStory M introduces its newest playable character and celebrates its fifth anniversary

The mobile MMO MapleStory M is combining a celebration and a new playable character release with its latest update, which rolls up the introduction...

PSA: SMITE is giving away a total of 10 million gems to mark its 10th anniversary

Are you a SMITE player? Would you like some free gems cash shop currency? How about 10,000 of them? That's the offer being made...

Warframe showcases giveaways being held during TennoCon and starts a 10th anniversary event

It's likely that most people attending or watching Warframe's TennoCon this year are doing so to hear what's next for the multiplayer action shooter,...

Sky Children of the Light opens its Steam page, prepares for public PC testing with a world record concurrency attempt

The smaller scale multiplayer game Sky: Children of the Light is definitely trying its level best to balloon into MMO size. Developer thatgamecompany is...

Skyforge tries to sync seasonal updates for Xbox players by skipping into the Gorgonides season

Skyforge decided to play a little bit of leap frog for its Xbox version. The latest update to the game brought the Gorgonides season...

Albion Online looks back at six years of development, growth, and awards

Six years of operation is no mean feat for any MMORPG, so it's understandable that Albion Online is taking a moment to look back...

Melee-focused battle royale Naraka Bladepoint goes free-to-play, celebrates two years, and launches on PS5

This week is a pretty big one for the melee-centric battle royale Naraka: Bladepoint, with a second anniversary celebration, a launch on the PlayStation...

Albion Online is celebrating six years with a returning event and cash shop sales next week

This month will mark the sixth year of operation for PvP sandbox Albion Online, which means that there's some in-game celebrating to do. And...

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis celebrates PSO2’s 11th anniversary all through the month of July

The month of July will mark 11 years for the original PSO2, which is reason for Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis to celebrate...