
Path of Exile’s Fall of Oriath expansion arrives August 4

Path of Exile's Fall of Oriath expansion arrives August 4 - check out the release trailer and prepare for the microtransaction system tomorrow!

Guild Wars 2’s living world season 3 finale is ‘One Path Ends’ – here’s the trailer!

Bummed out over that weak Guild Wars 2 fractal tease last week? We're getting to the good stuff today: ArenaNet has just announced that...

EVE Online is killing off the last remnants of walking in stations

Hey remember EVE Online's walking in stations, the talk of the genre a decade ago? Remember when all we really got was a captain's...

Lord of the Rings Online: Mordor eyes July 31 launch, starts taking pre-orders

Ready to hop in your Middle-earth safari jeep and start touring around the untamed and lava-strewn lands of Mordor? It might be coming sooner than...

The last episode of Guild Wars 2’s living world season 3 arrives July 25

The sixth and final episode of Guild Wars 2's third living world season launches on July 25th. We'd like to tell you more, but...
Pictured: Probably not Toronto.

TennoCon 2017: Warframe’s Plains of Eidolon is the first step toward a true MMORPG

Do you think you know what Warframe is? Can you define the game? Well toss that out the window because the new expansion is going...

Marvel Heroes is now ‘Omega’ on Steam for PC players (without Omega content)

Say, what's that enormous download chugging up your Steam? Oh no biggie, just Marvel Heroes again... Marvel Heroes Omega, that is. Yes, it's July...

Pokemon Go’s first anniversary report card

July 6th, 2017, marks Pokemon Go's first year anniversary. Love it or hate it, it's a game that quickly made a global impact. It's been released...

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online’s mid-term report card

At the beginning of every year, I give the games that I am embedded in a letter grade centered around the four different player...
Who wants to learn about FRACTIONS!?

Secret World Legends is improving patron benefits, weapon unlocks, and more

Do devs listen to feedback? They did this week: During today's Secret World Legends dev livestream Creative Director Romain Amiel announced some changes to patron...

Kritika Online slams into open beta

No delays. No excuses. No mercy. Action MMO Kritika Online is not slowing down in this final pre-launch period, moving into open beta today...

World of Warcraft starts testing Argus and Patch 7.3

While the World of Warcraft raiding community soldiers on through the new Tomb of Sargeras and everyone else curses their luck at legendary item...

Marvel Heroes clamps down on Fantastic Four characters due to licensing issues

Something bizarre and decidedly non-fantastic is going on over at Marvel Heroes. Gazillion made an earth-shattering post on the forums yesterday to say that...

Cloud Imperium rejects wild claim that Star Citizen is ‘owned by a bank’

The Star Citizen subreddit is aflame this weekend after bloggers on multiple sites and social media platforms, seemingly spurred on by a certain self-proclaimed...
Letting the days go by.

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood is everything you expect (and that’s outstanding)

In my mind, Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood is all about sticking the landing. After a few years of FFXIV being out, the game has...

The MMOs of the Steam Summer 2017 Sale

After some ups and downs this afternoon -- everybody loves the "try again later" message, right? -- Valve's summer Steam sale is finally underway...

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood has launched today

The time is finally here. While pre-ordered players were able to play from Friday onward, Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood officially launches today. Players of...
And now, the next chapter.

Wisdom of Nym: The Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood early access experience

There have basically been two attitudes throughout the past weekend with Final Fantasy XIV's early access to Stormblood. Here, we'll run it like a...
Where you can't see.

Final Fantasy XIV hits a major instanced roadblock in Stormblood early access

Everyone knows there are going to be issues with an expansion on launch, and Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood is no exception. Players have hit...

Tamriel Infinium: The major flaw in Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind’s PvP

When I spoke to ZeniMax Lead PvP Designer Brian Wheeler a few months back, I was intrigued by the PvP that Morrowind was offering...