chaos theory

Chaos Theory is a Secret World column by MJ Guthrie. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]

A sneak peek of South Africa in Secret World Legends’ Season 2

The things I do for you! You know that story is everything to me, and in order to bring you more information, I allowed...

Chaos Theory: A guide for Secret World Legends’ new agent network

Admit it: Ever since your faction handler in Secret World Legends started sending you off on jobs, you've wanted your own underlings to boss...

Chaos Theory: Do you need to sub to enjoy Secret World Legends?

A question I am asked quite a bit about free-to-play games is whether or not one needs to sub to really play. It is...

Chaos Theory: Secret World Legends 2018 – new year, new game, new goals

What does Secret World Legends have in store for 2018? For the world, or for me? Either answer includes Season 2 of the story!...

Chaos Theory: 2017 was a big year for the Secret World IP

Well, 2017 was interesting. It's not often that your favorite game starts off as one game at the beginning of the year and then...

Chaos Theory: Guide to Secret World Legends’ first Krampusnacht

While many games go festive for the holiday season, no one does it quite like Secret World Legends. Cutesy doesn't quite fit here, but...

Chaos Theory: Exploring Secret World Legend’s anima allocation and other QoL improvements

Remember that big quality-of-life update that Secret World Legends launched mid-November? Chances are your quality of SWL life did indeed improve with a number...

EverChaosing: Counting my EverQuest II and Secret World Legends blessings

Good things come in three's right? Well this is the third installment of the EverChaosing column, which melds Chaos Theory and EverQuesting together. Why...

Chaos Theory: Farewell Samhain, hello Secret World Legends Season 2 hype!

Do I love Halloween? Yes, yes I do. And while the season was in full swing, my mind was fully focused there. This season...

Chaos Theory: A guide to Secret World Legends’ first Halloween

Hello Samhain my old friend! It's so good to see you again. It's been such a long year, and so much has... wait, where...

Chaos Theory: What we want out of the Secret World Legends TV show

Wow. So I had no intention of crafting another Chaos Theory this week. I had plans. Other plans. But then the Secret World Legends...

Chaos Theory: Guide to Secret World Legends’ Whispering Tide event

Have you met Flappy? If you haven't yet, you might want to do so very soon else you'll miss your chance. That dirty bird...

Chaos Theory: To Steam or not to Steam your Secret World Legends account

To Steam or not to Steam, that is the Secret World Legends question -- now that the horror game has relaunched on that platform,...

Chaos Theory: Are levels good for Secret World Legends?

We'd heard about (and stressed over!) various Secret World Legends changes for a while, but you just can't know how those changes will affect...

Chaos Theory: Week one impressions of Secret World Legends

It's been a week since Funcom threw open the doors of Secret World Legends' headstart to everyone and removed the NDA. That's seven days...

Chaos Theory: Guide to The Secret World’s Templars faction

It's Templar Time! After looking at the Illuminati and delving into the Dragon, it's now time to tie up this trio of guides and...

Chaos Theory: Guide to Secret World’s Dragon faction

When it comes to chaos, do you tend to run away (possibly screaming), or run toward it? If you lean toward the latter, you...

Chaos Theory: Interview and impressions of Secret World Legends, part II

Last time, I told you my Secret World Legends tour with Creative Director Romain Amiel was too big to fit in just one Chaos...

Chaos Theory: Interview and impressions of Secret World Legends

I may or may not be in that secretive NDA-locked closed beta of Secret World Legends -- I'm not telling. But there is something...

Chaos Theory: Guide to Secret World’s Illuminati faction

Kirsten Geary. That is almost all you have to say when talking about the Illuminati faction in The Secret World. That's because the infamous...