
Please don't disappoint everyone.

Check out the central player hub for Monster Hunter World

If you haven't guessed this from the title, Monster Hunter World is about hunting monsters. On a world. Exactly what it says on the...
The nightlife.

Revelation Online offers a quick tour of Sidus Ur

Most of the world of Revelation Online is not safe to explore. It's a dangerous place, and there's battle at every turn. But Sidus...
It's barbaric, but hey, it's home.

Dauntless introduces players to the cramped, cold, unhospitable home base of Ramsgate

Ramsgate is not the sort of city you would choose as a vacation destination. It's cramped. It's built in a terrible spot. It's right...
Now if you can have meaningful interactions with everything herein, that would be something.

Star Citizen dataminer uncovers a huge city in the game’s files

It would be pretty disappointing if you could land on all sorts of planets in Star Citizen without ever uncovering more than abandoned sheds...
You were a pretty place.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO city?

No matter the game, you have cities to deal with. Admittedly, they take unusual forms in some games; Star Trek Online and EVE Online...

ArcheAge empowers guilds to build cities

What's an MMO sandbox without the ability for players to construct their own cities? A small, ant-ridden sandbox with a broken plastic shovel and...

What do you think about WildStar’s capital cities?

What do you think about WildStar's two capital cities? Do you love or hate them? What do you think could be improved in them?...