community discussion

The Daily Grind: What’s the most unpopular opinion you hold about the MMO genre?

One of my favorite thing about about our comments is that our commenters feel safe enough to post off-the-rails editorials, expressing opinions they know will be...

The Daily Grind: Which PvP sandbox is best for PvE gamers?

Back in May, Albion Online developer Sandbox Interactive reiterated to fans on a Q&A video that while it's building a hardcore PvP sandbox, it...
The Forgotten Realms is still boring and generic as heck, though.

The Daily Grind: Do you have a personal vendetta against any MMO enemies?

I will forever hate certain enemies in certain games. No matter how long it's been, I still hate fighting the Circle of Thorns at...

The Daily Grind: How would you fix your MMO character?

If there's one truism in the world of MMORPGs, it's that all of us are accomplished armchair developers. I mean, c'mon, if the studios...

The Daily Grind: What theme song best represents your main MMORPG character?

In yesterday's Black Desert column, MOP's Matt Daniel joked about MMORPG mods that allow roleplayers to share their characters' profiles, right down to their theme songs. He...
There's really only one mode, when you get down to it.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever paid for art of your MMO characters?

It's not a secret that I roleplay. I love to roleplay, my characters are important to me, and as a result of all of...

The Daily Grind: Would you want portable housing in your MMO?

For a long time now, I've had a very minor wish for an MMO feature: the ability to set up camp and have my...
Well, this isn't ideal.

The Daily Grind: How long do you test an MMORPG before judging it?

I know I need to put more time into Tree of Savior. When it launched, I logged in and was bombarded by a horrific control...

The Daily Grind: Are you MMOing on Memorial Day?

It's Memorial Day here in the States, which means it's the first of three holidays this summer we'll spend with cookouts and patriotic parades and family...
Fix it.

The Daily Grind: What graphical MMO bugs do you find somewhat endearing?

The header image is a simple display glitch from around the launch of Star Wars: The Old Republic, wherein I believe the wrong body...

The Daily Grind: Show us your favorite MMORPG outfit!

I'm willing to guess that more than a few of you spend gobs of time in MMOs assembling the perfect outfits to wow, shock, or...
Well, I had fun.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has had the best year so far?

We're just about halfway through the year, and it's been a pretty big one. Sure, some games have had a rough time, but the...

The Daily Grind: Do we have a right to play the games we actually buy?

Yesterday's Extra Credits video sends the RC team diving into the Nostalrius issue, but don't start groaning yet: The video initially zips past the...

The Daily Grind: What race are you dying to play in your MMORPG?

There are few things more aggravating than to see an awesome race in your MMO -- and then being told that you can't play...
The rumor, the danger, the threat, the horror.

The Daily Grind: So are you playing Overwatch?

Sure it's not Project Titan, but Overwatch is the next big thing, and it's well and truly sucked the air out of the room....
The fun of getting lost, being upset, and getting annoyed.

The Daily Grind: How long do you expect a 2016 MMORPG to live?

One of the many features touted by Chronicles of Elyria is a 10-year storyline, over the span of which your characters will "die" probably 10...
Yes, money.

The Daily Grind: Are you interested in making money in your MMOs?

When my friends need to borrow money in Final Fantasy XIV or Final Fantasy XI, they come to me. It's not because I'm higher-level...

The Daily Grind: What MMOs do you admire from afar?

Ain't nobody got time to play every interesting-looking MMORPG out there (unless, of course, you are of the persuasion that none of them is worth...
Ramp everything.

The Daily Grind: Is MMO ‘open’ development really good for the genre?

Massively OP's Andrew Ross and I were recently discussing how to approach an opinion piece on Chronicles of Elyria when he reminded me that...

The Daily Grind: What’s the least effective character you’ve played in an MMO?

Red Mage is pretty unambiguously the worst class in Final Fantasy XI right now. The old trick of the class (enfeebling magic) is now...