
Corepunk’s second Q&A session reveals a strange take on PvP design

The questions keep coming for fantasy-scifi MMORPG Corepunk, and the devs keep dishing answers back. For a second week in a row, Artificial Core...

WRUP: The rest of the year of meme trends in advance edition

May: Pictures of eggs that have caught fire with captions about why the egg is on fire, ranging from "my clothes are still wet"...
Back, back, back in time.

The Daily Grind: What key advice would you give to first-timers in your MMO?

I know that whenever I head into an MMO for the first time (or after a long absence), I always make it a priority...
Less controversial.

Fallout 76 brings back Armor Ace for Season 4 and shares its latest community calendar

While the next Fallout 76 update will require some locking and loading according to its name, there's also a little something more coming when...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends finally puts a date on the City in the Clouds expansion: May the fourth

Rogue server Star Wars Galaxies Legends has been teasing its Bespin expansion, called City in the Clouds, for literally years now. It was supposed...
No screenshots yet, obviously.

Raph Koster expounds on MMO fun, retention, and cynicism in the genre

MMORPG developer Raph Koster has been having words about the MMO industry ahead of the reveal of the MMO that his new studio Playable...

SWG Galaxies Restoration III’s CU/NGE blend rogue server says launch is ‘imminent’

If you follow the Star Wars Galaxies emulation community at all, you're probably waiting on a very big announcement from a certain rogue server...

The Daily Grind: What was the last thing you built in an MMO?

MMO builders, this Daily Grind is for you. And I don't mean people who build MMOs; I mean people who build in MMOs. And...
Oh look,

More World of Warcraft Update 9.1 discoveries: glasses, bonus rolls, and a mega-dungeon

One has to imagine that World of Warcraft putting a patch on a test server these days must feel like a studio inviting someone...

Elyon answers more player questions about PvP, cash shop items, and PvE plans in Reddit AMA

The community manager for Elyon seems to be hard at work. Following a Q&A session held on a fansite's Discord, Elyon CM Yukimura took...
It's fine, everything is fine, this is fine.

Perfect Ten: How to deal with MMO burnout

I remember the first time I got hit hard by the powerhouse slugger known as "burnout." It was during my second stint in World...
oh no skellingtons

World of Warcraft posts Update 9.1 notes and raid test schedule

The patch notes for Update 9.1 are up in anticipation of the test realm opening its doors, and you can hear the collective sigh...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO public transport system?

We talk about mounts an awful lot in this space, but what about the other ways that MMOs help us get around? Most all...

Choose My Adventure: Warrior time and a more classical Cleric in RIFT

This week, I traded my shepherd’s cane for a big honkin’ sword in RIFT and found that… well, there’s not too much different here,...

The Daily Grind: Should more MMOs offer ‘season pass’ style content?

Its seems as if we've been fielding a lot of email and podcast questions about season passes the last month or two. Paid season...

First impressions from Diablo II Resurrected’s alpha: Just as good as you remember

Multiplayer isn't in yet. There are only two acts and three classes available. So why am I heading into Diablo II: Resurrected? Simple: It's...

The Daily Grind: How often do you change your MMO characters’ outfits?

One of the nice things City of Heroes' rogue servers did for the community was open up all the costume slots for everyone. Obviously,...

Global Chat: Dealing with Magic Legends

Now that Magic Legends is out, you can best believe that a lot of MMO gamers are checking out Cryptic's latest offering. Among those...

One Shots: The voyage home

When you've spent a whole lot of calories burning, pillaging, and looting villages, it's a welcome sight to see the rest and shelter of...

Corepunk Q&A discusses the launch window, guilds, mounts, and more

If you're the type of person who respects short, direct, and to-the-point answers to specific questions, then you're going to like the first part...