
Valheim can now be played in VR thanks to a modder

Bless the modder community, making games we enjoy even better. That could certainly be said for the VHVR mod, which lets players of Valheim...

The Daily Grind: What do you think about ‘exclusive’ zones in MMORPGs?

I want to talk about exclusive zones today - specifically, Guild Wars 2's lounges, something I haven't seen in many other MMOs at all....

The MOP Up: Skyforge takes Switch players to the moon

Earlier this year, Nintendo Switch users were treated to a full-fledged MMORPG with the launch of Skyforge on the platform. Now, Skyforge is taking...

One Shots: Riding the dino to the prom

You think you were all decked out in finery and had a spiffy ride the last time you went to a formal dance? You...
Banjo music.

WRUP: How to make a giant mess out of the inside of your car if that’s your goal for whatever reason edition

What you'll need: A box of plastic disposable forks. Four bottles of foaming shaving cream. Rubber bands. Glitter. A Roomba. One full set of...
So here's the deal.

The Daily Grind: What cancelled MMOs deserve a rogue server?

As a historian, game preservationist, and general MMORPG geek, it does my heart good to see players do their best to restore and operate...

Dual Universe delays its missions system, opens tutorial portal

The March newsletter for Dual Universe is out, containing a wrap-up of how this space sandbox fared over the course of the month. Update...

The Daily Grind: What argument does your MMO’s community have that would make no sense in other MMOs?

I don't think it's possible to go a day on a City of Heroes server, back in the old days or now on the...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends teases Bespin creatures coming in the City in the Clouds expansion

If you're still anxiously awaiting the arrival of Bespin in the Star Wars Galaxies Legends rogue server, you're going to want to peek into...

Blizzard is surveying WoW Classic players on character clone pricing

While the mere confirmation that Burning Crusade Classic will feature a level boost option, prompted a whole lot of debate in the community, another...

Magic Legends doubles spell drop rate, gives a week of free battlepass XP

Cryptic Studios is listening to -- and acting upon -- player feedback regarding Magic Legends following its recent soft launch. In the ARPG's second...

Agony of a Dying MMO is an atmospheric narrative game about players’ final hours in a sunsetting MMO

How do you cope with the closing hours of an MMO as it shuts down? We all have a variety of answers to this...
Oh no horse

Elder Scrolls Online is about to stream Blackwood – come getcha flame atronach pony

Hear that noise? It's the sound of ZeniMax's hype machine for Elder Scrolls Online's Blackwood cranking up. Yes, Blackwood is only a couple of...

Perfect Ten: Top 10 annoying things you hear in MMORPG global chat

General chat, sometimes called "Barrens chat" or "zone chat" or "the party line," is both the bane and the secret fixation of my existence....

The Daily Grind: What MMO content is perfect for short gaming sessions?

Lately I've been exploring Lord of the Rings Online's new(ish) mission system, which is essentially a smaller version of skirmishes that scale to a...

Choose My Adventure: I think I accidentally turned my Cleric into a Necromancer in RIFT

One of the big selling points in RIFT has always been the ability to combine three of the game's Souls into a custom class....
I'm sure it's a coincidence.

Casually Classic: In defense of a good ‘looking for group’ tool in World of Warcraft

While World of Warcraft certainly made a number of questionable design decisions over the years, for my money one of the absolute best moves...

The Daily Grind: What’s the oldest MMORPG character you still play?

Every year or so we'll do a conversation topic about the oldest MMO we still play. But realistically, the same couple of MMOs always...
Power up.

The Daily Grind: What are some MMOs where ‘bringing the player not the class’ really works?

Back during BlizzConline, I wrote a piece on Overwatch 2 that mentioned offhandedly that it sounded like Blizzard was creeping toward a "bring the...

Global Chat: Giddy over SWTOR’s Dark Descent

For MMO blogs that only cover a single game, an announcement of an upcoming content release is like a mini-Christmas all to itself. This...