

Choose My Adventure: Into the desert of Guild Wars 2

My first week of playing Guild Wars 2 again was interesting, in no small part because it's rare for my playtime to be so...
Oh dear.

The Daily Grind: What would an old MMO have to do to win you back?

Something odd hit me recently. As I was sitting and planning my MMO play schedules, I realized that whatever announcements about expansions we get...

Dungeons & Dragons Online teases Mists of Ravenloft expansion, buffs Clerics and Favored Souls

It's always a crapshoot whether or not smaller patches are going to pay out with exciting features or fail to make a blip on...
Oh, look, it's gotten worse.

Elite: Dangerous players are putting together fragmented accounts of fighting the Thargoids

One of the first players to encounter the Thargoids in Elite: Dangerous provided a video of the encounter, and the bad news is that...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO would you like to (re)visit before the end of the year?

Every time we come around to fall, it hits me that we're on the downhill slide to the year's end. Fewer months are left...

Conan Exiles takes stock a half-year from release

There is about a half of a year, we are told, before Conan Exiles leaves the semi-shelter of early access and sees if it...
Here we go again.

Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire launch diary: Initial impressions

My initial impressions on Guild Wars 2's Path of Fire launch are rather late to the table, owing to some fairly significant connection issues...

The Daily Grind: Where do you stand on the Fortnite-vs.-PUBG feud?

Ever since Bluehole threw down a gauntlet at Epic's feet over the similarities between PUBG and Fortnite's battle royale mode - or more specifically,...

Shroud of the Avatar preps 46th release, focuses on ‘player direction’ inside the world

It's almost the end of the month, and you know what that means: Shroud of the Avatar's monthly update. R46 is due out this...

PUBG dev argues Fortnite spat is about Epic and Unreal Engine’s conflicts, not about owning the battle royal genre

Last week, following Epic's announcement that PvE-centric Fortnite would be getting a PvP-centric battle royal mode its paying PvE players apparently didn't want (but that's...

The MMO Book Club votes between Guild Wars 2, Secret World Legends, DCUO, EverQuest, RuneScape, ArcheAge, and WoW

Hey, remember the MMO Book Club? That's the Reddit-and-Discord group that allows members to vote on a game to play, then organizes a guild...
Come back, bear.

Age of Conan (finally) adds 720-day loyalty rewards

In one of our recent Daily Grind discussions about MMORPGs that might make it to 20 years of live operation, some of our commenters...

EverQuest II stops making older expansions free, while EverQuest hands out skeletons

Daybreak has quietly shifted one of the aspects of its free-to-play business model for EverQuest II. In response to a query as to when...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs get rid of levels?

I would like to say that when I was a kid playing my first MMORPGs, I was impervious to the grind, that I embraced...

The MOP Up: Monster Hunter World’s Tokyo reveals (September 24, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Elder Scrolls Legends nerfs its Twitch ‘drops’

Earlier this year, popular streaming platform Twitch - with whom we are a partner - introduced what probably ought to have been a controversial...

MMO Mechanics: Material storage and the Guild Wars 2 economy

Guild Wars 2 launched its second expansion, Path of Fire, a few days ago, and as you might expect, a new expansion means some immediate...

One Shots: Drop. Your. Sword.

"It's possible, pig, I might be bluffing. It's conceivable, you miserable, vomitous mass, that I'm only lying here because I lack the strength to...

20-year-old Ultima Online is going free-to-play (kinda) and getting player-generated quests

In preparing tomorrow's birthday piece for Ultima Online, I confidently wrote that Ultima Online was not going free-to-play because that's what the devs always...

LOTRO Legendarium: Six places LOTRO could go after Mordor

It always seems a bit unfair, a bit impatient, and a bit premature to be asking that eternal question of an MMO: "What's next?"...